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Self-monitoring for self-protection


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The problem of pesticide health effects in cotton growing systems in Senegal is widely acknowledged, but few data exist to document their extent and little headway has been made in modifying farmer practices to reduce them. The community monitoring approach is an effective way to monitor and report the health impacts of pesticides observed at local levels. It also explicitly aims to empower local communities to address their situation themselves and get actively involved in solving their problems. The approach used is based on Community Pesticide Action Monitoring (CPAM), originally developed in Asia but now adapted by PAN groups and used world-wide. CPAM is a tool to document and create awareness of pesticide impacts on human health and the environment, based on Participatory Action Research (PAR). It involves the community members who undertake the research and discuss in their own language their experience of pesticide use.
机译:塞内加尔棉花种植系统中农药对健康的影响问题已广为人知,但很少有数据可以证明其程度,并且在改变农民的生产方式以减少这种危害方面进展甚微。社区监测方法是监测和报告在地方一级观察到的农药对健康的影响的有效方法。它还明确旨在增强当地社区自身的能力,并积极参与解决他们的问题。所使用的方法基于社区农药行动监控(CPAM),该技术最初在亚洲开发,但现在已由PAN组修改并在全球范围内使用。 CPAM是一种基于参与式行动研究(PAR)的工具,可用于记录和提高农药对人类健康和环境的影响。它由从事研究并以自己的语言讨论农药使用经验的社区成员参与。



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