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Kepler's second law and conservation of angular momentum


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Kepler's second law is calculated for 18 planets and asteroids. It is shown that equalareas are swept in equal intervals of time only near the perihelion (P) and the aphelion (A). A highly significant relation between the ratio of the area swept at the average of P and A to the area swept at semimajor (S) in the same interval of time and the eccentricity is presented. The equation is ratio= a ? e~+ c with a=-0.617, b =2, and c =1.00. The correlation coefficient is 0.9975. The ratio is equal to 1-e~2, which is equal to sin θ, where θ is the smaller angle between the two vectors v and r. Angular momentum is a vector perpendicular to the plane formed by v and r and is conserved, indicating that there is no torque in the direction vertical to the plane of the orbits.
机译:开普勒第二定律是针对18个行星和小行星计算的。结果表明,仅在近日点(P)和P头(A)附近等距离地扫过相等的区域。在相同的时间间隔内,以P和A的平均值扫过的面积与以半主要(S)扫过的面积之比与偏心率之间存在高度显着的关系。该方程式为ratio = a? e〜+ c,a = -0.617,b = 2,c = 1.00。相关系数为0.9975。比率等于1-e〜2,等于sinθ,其中θ是两个向量v和r之间的较小角度。角动量是垂直于v和r形成的平面的矢量,并且守恒,表示在垂直于轨道平面的方向上没有扭矩。



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