首页> 外文期刊>Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B. Biological Sciences >Yellow-bellied marmots: insights from an emergent view of sociality

Yellow-bellied marmots: insights from an emergent view of sociality


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Ecological factors explain variation in sociality both within and between species of marmots-large alpine ground squirrels. Fifty years of study, by me and my colleagues, of the yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, near Crested Butte, CO, USA, has created opportunities to see how sociality changes with population and group size. Over the past decades, we have witnessed a natural experiment whereby the population tripled in size. If we view sociality as an emergent process, then demography acts as a constraint on interactions between individuals, and the threefold increase in population size should have consequences for group structure. We have used social network statistics to study the causes and consequences of social interactions by capitalizing on this demographic variation. Such an emergent view is ideally studied in an integrative Tinbergian way that focuses on both mechanism and function. We have determined that some social attributes are heritable, that social cohesion is established through age and kin structure, that well-embedded females (but not males) are less likely to disperse, and that there are fitness consequences of social attributes. Together, this integrative relationshipcentred view expands on the traditional ecological model of sociality and offers a framework that can be applied to other systems.
机译:生态因素解释了土拨鼠-大型高山松鼠物种内部和物种之间的社会差异。我和我的同事们在美国科罗拉多州克雷斯特德比尤特附近的落基山生物实验室对黄腹土拨鼠(Marmota flaviventris)进行了五十年的研究,创造了机会来观察社会性如何随着人口和群体规模的变化而变化。在过去的几十年中,我们目睹了一项自然实验,人口总数翻了三倍。如果我们将社会性视为一个新兴过程,那么人口统计学将成为个体之间相互作用的制约因素,而人口数量的三倍增长将对群体结构产生影响。我们已经利用社交网络统计数据来利用这种人口统计学差异来研究社交互动的原因和后果。理想情况下,应该以整合的Tinbergian方式研究这种出现的观点,该方式着重于机制和功能。我们已经确定某些社会属性是可遗传的,社会凝聚力是通过年龄和血统结构建立的,嵌入良好的女性(而不是男性)散布的可能性较小,并且存在社会属性的适应性后果。总之,这种以整体关系为中心的观点扩展了传统的社会生态模型,并提供了可应用于其他系统的框架。



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