
Peering into an ATPase ion pump with single-channel recordings


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In principle, an ion channel needs no more than a single gate, but a pump requires at least two gates that open and close alternately to allow ion access from only one side of the membrane at a time. In the Na+, K+-ATPase pump, this alternating gating effects outward transport of three Na+ ions and inward transport of two K+ ions, for each ATP hydrolysed, up to a hundred times per second, generating a measurable current if assayed in millions of pumps. Under these assay conditions, voltage jumps elicit brief charge movements, consistent with displacement of ions along the ion pathway while one gate is open but the other closed. Binding of the marine toxin, palytoxin, to the Na+, K+-ATPase uncouples the two gates, so that although each gate still responds to its physiological ligand they are no longer constrained to open and close alternately, and the Na+, K+-ATPase is transformed into a gated cation channel. Millions of Na+ or K+ ions per second flow through such an open pump-channel, permitting assay of single molecules and allowing unprecedented access to the ion transport pathway through the Na+, K+-ATPase. Use of variously charged small hydrophilic thiol-specific reagents to probe cysteine targets introduced throughout the pump's transmembrane segments allows mapping and characterization of the route traversed by transported ions.
机译:原则上,离子通道只需要一个闸门,而泵则需要至少两个闸门交替打开和关闭,以允许离子一次仅从膜的一侧进入。在Na +,K + -ATPase泵中,这种交替的门控作用是使水解的每个ATP每秒向外迁移三个Na +离子和向两个K +离子向内迁移,每秒高达一百次,如果在数百万个泵中进行分析,则会产生可测量的电流。在这些测定条件下,电压跳变会引起短暂的电荷运动,这与离子在一个门打开而另一个门关闭时沿离子通道的位移一致。海洋毒素,palytoxin与Na +,K + -ATPase的结合解耦了两个门,因此,尽管每个门仍对其生理配体作出反应,但它们不再被约束交替打开和关闭,而Na +,K + -ATPase转换为门控阳离子通道每秒有数百万的Na +或K +离子流过这种开放的泵通道,从而可以分析单个分子,并允许通过Na +,K + -ATPase进入离子传输路径,这是前所未有的。使用各种电荷小的亲水性巯基特异性试剂来探测整个泵的跨膜片段中引入的半胱氨酸靶标,可以绘制和表征运输的离子所穿过的路径。



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