首页> 外文期刊>Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B. Biological Sciences >Spatial and temporal operation of the Scotia Sea ecosystem: a review of large-scale links in a krill centred food web

Spatial and temporal operation of the Scotia Sea ecosystem: a review of large-scale links in a krill centred food web


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The Scotia Sea ecosystem is a major component of the circumpolar Southern Ocean system, where productivity and predator demand for prey are high. The eastward-flowing Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and waters from the Weddell-Scotia Confluence dominate the physics of the Scotia Sea, leading to a strong advective flow, intense eddy activity and mixing. There is also strong seasonality, manifest by the changing irradiance and sea ice cover, which leads to shorter summers in the south. Summer phytoplankton blooms, which at times can cover an area of more than 0.5 million km(2), probably result from the mixing of micronutrients into surface waters through the flow of the ACC over the Scotia Arc. This production is consumed by a range of species including Antarctic krill, which are the major prey item of large seabird and marine mammal populations. The flow of the ACC is steered north by the Scotia Arc, pushing polar water to lower latitudes, carrying with it krill during spring and summer, which subsidize food webs around South Georgia and the northern Scotia Arc. There is also marked interannual variability in winter sea ice distribution and sea surface temperatures that is linked to southern hemisphere-scale climate processes such as the El Nino-Southern Oscillation. This variation affects regional primary and secondary production and influences biogeochemical cycles. It also affects krill population dynamics and dispersal, which in turn impacts higher trophic level predator foraging, breeding performance and population dynamics. The ecosystem has also been highly perturbed as a result of harvesting over the last two centuries and significant ecological changes have also occurred in response to rapid regional warming during the second half of the twentieth century. This combination of historical perturbation and rapid regional change highlights that the Scotia Sea ecosystem is likely to show significant change over the next two to three decades, which may result in major ecological shifts.
机译:斯科舍海生态系统是南极极洲海洋系统的主要组成部分,那里的生产力和捕食者对猎物的需求很高。向东流的南极极地洋流(ACC)和来自Weddell-Scotia Confluence的水域主导着Scotia海的物理学,导致强烈的对流流动,强烈的涡旋活动和混合。辐照度和海冰覆盖率的变化也表现出强烈的季节性,这导致南部的夏季缩短。夏季浮游植物开花,有时可覆盖超过50万公里(2),这可能是由于微量营养素通过ACC在Scotia弧上的流动而混入地表水中的结果。该产品被包括南极磷虾在内的一系列物种消耗,南极磷虾是大型海鸟和海洋哺乳动物种群的主要猎物。 ACC的流动由斯科舍弧引导,向北推,将极地水推向低纬度,在春季和夏季伴随磷虾,这为南乔治亚州和斯科舍弧北部的食物网提供了补贴。冬季海冰分布和海表温度也存在明显的年际变化,这与南半球的气候过程(如厄尔尼诺-南方涛动)有关。这种变化影响区域一级和二级生产并影响生物地球化学循环。它还影响磷虾的种群动态和扩散,进而影响营养级更高的捕食者的觅食,繁殖性能和种群动态。在过去的两个世纪中,由于收获,生态系统也受到了极大的干扰,并且由于二十世纪下半叶区域的迅速变暖,生态系统也发生了重大变化。历史扰动和快速的区域变化的结合突出表明,在未来两到三十年中,斯科舍海生态系统可能会显示出重大变化,这可能会导致重大的生态变化。



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