首页> 外文期刊>Pharmacology: International Journal of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology >Pitavastatin inhibits upregulation of intermediate conductance calcium-activated potassium channels and coronary arteriolar remodeling induced by long-term blockade of nitric oxide synthesis.

Pitavastatin inhibits upregulation of intermediate conductance calcium-activated potassium channels and coronary arteriolar remodeling induced by long-term blockade of nitric oxide synthesis.


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We have reported that intermediate conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels (ImK) showed augmented expression in angiotensin II (AII) type 1 receptor-dependent manner in post-ischemic rat heart. ImK has tyrosine phosphorylation sequence in the C-terminus and motifs for NFkappaB and AP1 in the promoter. While statin inhibits AII-mediated vascular remodeling via anti-inflammatory effect independent of cholesterol lowering. To test the possible effect of statin on expression of ImK, Wistar-Kyoto rats received L-nitro-arginine methyl ester (LNAME: 1 mg/ml in drinking water) for 4 weeks in group L. While in L+P group, rats received both LNAME and pitavastatin (PTV: 1 mg/kg/day in drinking water). Temporal profile of ImK mRNA was examined by RT-PCR using specific primers for ImK. RESULTS: Long-term LNAME administration produced significant hypertension and resulted in marked microvascular remodeling characterized by medial thickening and perivascular fibrosis of coronary arterioles (100-200 microm in diameter). RT-PCR revealed significant up-regulation of ImK mRNA with two distinct peaks in L group in the early phase (days 3-7) and the late phase (4 weeks). PTV partially inhibited a rise in systolic blood pressure, but completely abolished the first peak of ImK upregulation (0.76 +/- 0.04 vs. 3.96 +/- 1.43 folds at day 7, p < 0.001). Co-treatments with PTV also significantly inhibited medial thickening and perivascular fibrosis. These findings indicate that statin inhibits microvascular remodeling induced by chronic inhibition of NO synthesis through the action independent of cholesterol lowering.
机译:我们已经报告说,中间电导Ca(2+)激活K(+)通道(ImK)在缺血后大鼠心脏中显示血管紧张素II(AII)1型受体依赖性方式的表达增加。 ImK在C端具有酪氨酸磷酸化序列,在启动子中具有NFkappB和AP1的基序。他汀通过独立于胆固醇降低的抗炎作用抑制AII介导的血管重塑。为了测试他汀对ImK表达的可能影响,L组的Wistar-Kyoto大鼠在4周内接受了L-硝基-精氨酸甲酯(LNAME:1 mg / ml的饮用水)。在L + P组中,大鼠接受LNAME和匹伐他汀(PTV:每天1 mg / kg /天的饮用水)。 ImK mRNA的时间特征通过RT-PCR使用ImK的特异性引物进行检查。结果:长期施用LNAME会产生显着的高血压,并导致明显的微血管重塑,其特征是冠状小动脉(直径100-200微米)的内侧增厚和血管周纤维化。 RT-PCR显示在早期(3-7天)和晚期(4周)L组中ImK mRNA显着上调,具有两个明显的峰。 PTV部分抑制了收缩压的升高,但完全废除了ImK上调的第一个峰值(第7天为0.76 +/- 0.04倍,而3.96 +/- 1.43倍,p <0.001)。与PTV共同治疗还可以显着抑制内侧增厚和血管周纤维化。这些发现表明他汀类药物通过独立于降低胆固醇的作用来抑制由NO合成的慢性抑制引起的微血管重构。



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