首页> 外文期刊>Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior >Modafinil restores memory performance and neural activity impaired by sleep deprivation in mice.

Modafinil restores memory performance and neural activity impaired by sleep deprivation in mice.


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The original aims of our study have been to investigate in sleep-deprived mice, the effects of modafinil administration on spatial working memory, in parallel with the evaluation of neural activity level, as compared to non-sleep-deprived animals. For this purpose, an original sleep deprivation apparatus was developed and validated with continuous electroencephalography recording. Memory performance was evaluated using spontaneous alternation in a T-maze, whereas the neural activity level was estimated by the quantification of the c-Fos protein in various cerebral zones. This study allowed altogether: First, to evidence that a diurnal 10-h sleep deprivation period induced an impairment of spatial working memory. Second, to observe a decrease in c-Fos expression after sleep deprivation followed by a behavioural test, as compared to non-sleep-deprived mice. This impairment in neural activity was evidenced in areas involved in wake-sleep cycle regulation (anterior hypothalamus and supraoptic nucleus), butalso in memory (frontal cortex and hippocampus) and emotions (amygdala). Finally, to demonstrate that modafinil 64 mg/kg is able to restore on the one hand memory performance after a 10-h sleep deprivation period, and on the other hand, the neural activity level in the very same brain areas where it was previously impaired by sleep deprivation and cognitive task.
机译:我们的研究的最初目的是,与非睡眠剥夺动物相比,研究睡眠剥夺小鼠中莫达非尼给药对空间工作记忆的影响,同时评估神经活动水平。为此,开发了一种原始的睡眠剥夺设备,并通过连续的脑电图记录进行了验证。使用T迷宫中的自发交替评估记忆力,而神经活动水平则通过量化各个大脑区域的c-Fos蛋白来估计。这项研究总共允许:首先,证明昼夜10小时睡眠剥夺会导致空间工作记忆受损。其次,与未睡眠剥夺的小鼠相比,观察睡眠剥夺后进行行为测试的c-Fos表达下降。在涉及睡眠-睡眠周期调节的区域(前下丘脑和视上核),但在记忆(额叶皮层和海马体)和情绪(杏仁核)中也证实了这种神经活动受损。最后,证明莫达非尼64 mg / kg一方面能够在睡眠剥夺10小时后恢复记忆力,另一方面可以恢复以前受损的同一大脑区域的神经活动水平通过睡眠剥夺和认知任务。



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