首页> 外文期刊>Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior >Midazolam treatment before re-exposure to contextual fear reduces freezing behavior and amygdala activity differentially in high- and low-anxiety rats

Midazolam treatment before re-exposure to contextual fear reduces freezing behavior and amygdala activity differentially in high- and low-anxiety rats


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The aim of this study was to examine the effects of benzodiazepine (midazolam) administration on rat conditioned fear responses and on local brain activity (c-Fos and CRF expressions) of low- (LR) and high- (HR)anxiety rats after the first and second contextual fear test sessions. The animals were divided into LR and HR groups based on the duration of their conditioned freezing response in the first contextual fear test. The fear-re-conditioned LR and HR animals (28 days later) had increased freezing durations compared with those durations during the first conditioned fear test. These behavioral effects were accompanied by increased c-Fos expression in the medial amygdala (MeA), the basolateral amygdala (BLA), and the paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei and elevated CRF expression in the MeA. All these behavioral and immunochemical effects of fear re-conditioning were stronger in the LR group compared with the effects in the HR group. Moreover, in the LR rats, the re-conditioning led to decreased CRF expression in the primary motor cortex (M1) and to increased CRF expression in the BLA. The pretreatment of rats with midazolam before the second exposure to the aversive context significantly attenuated the conditioned fear response, lowered the serum corticosterone concentration, decreased c-Fos and CRF expressions in the MeA and in the BLA, and increased CRF complex density in M1 area only in the LR group. These studies have demonstrated that LR rats are more sensitive to re-exposure to fear stimuli and that midazolam pretreatment was associated with modified brain activity in the amygdala and in the prefrontal cortex in this group of animals. The current data may facilitate a better understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms responsible for individual differences in the psychopathological processes accompanying some anxiety disorders characterized by stronger reactivity to re-exposure to stressful challenges, e.g., posttraumatic stress disorder. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved.
机译:这项研究的目的是研究苯二氮卓(咪达唑仑)对大鼠条件恐惧反应和低(LR)和高(HR)焦虑大鼠在局部大脑活动(c-Fos和CRF表达)的影响。第一和第二次上下文恐惧测试会议。在第一个情境恐惧测试中,根据条件性冻结反应的持续时间,将动物分为LR和HR组。与第一次条件恐惧测试中的持续时间相比,恐惧重新适应的LR和HR动物(28天后)的冷冻时间增加了。这些行为影响伴随着内侧杏仁核(MeA),基底外侧杏仁核(BLA)和室下丘脑旁核的c-Fos表达增加以及MeA中CRF表达升高。与HR组相比,LR组的恐惧恢复的所有这些行为和免疫化学作用都更强。此外,在LR大鼠中,再调节导致初级运动皮层(M1)中CRF表达降低,而BLA中CRF表达升高。在第二次暴露于厌恶环境之前用咪达唑仑对大鼠进行预处理可显着减轻条件恐惧反应,降低血清皮质酮浓度,降低MeA和BLA中的c-Fos和CRF表达,并增加M1区的CRF复合物密度仅在LR组中。这些研究表明,LR大鼠对再暴露于恐惧刺激更为敏感,而咪达唑仑预处理与该组动物的杏仁核和前额叶皮层的大脑活动改变有关。当前数据可能有助于更好地理解神经心理学机制,这些神经生物学机制是伴随一些焦虑症的精神病理学过程中个体差异的特征,这些焦虑症的特征在于对暴露于应激挑战的反应性增强,例如创伤后应激障碍。 (C)2014 Elsevier Inc保留所有权利。



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