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Quantitative comparison of randomization designs in sequential clinical trials based on treatment balance and allocation randomness


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To evaluate the performance of randomization designs under various parameter settings and trial sample sizes, and identify optimal designs with respect to both treatment imbalance and allocation randomness, we evaluate 260 design scenarios from 14 randomization designs under 15 sample sizes range from 10 to 300, using three measures for imbalance and three measures for randomness. The maximum absolute imbalance and the correct guess (CG) probability are selected to assess the trade-off performance of each randomization design. As measured by the maximum absolute imbalance and the CG probability, we found that performances of the 14 randomization designs are located in a closed region with the upper boundary (worst case) given by Efron's biased coin design (BCD) and the lower boundary (best case) from the Soares and Wu's big stick design (BSD). Designs close to the lower boundary provide a smaller imbalance and a higher randomness than designs close to the upper boundary. Our research suggested that optimization of randomization design is possible based on quantified evaluation of imbalance and randomness. Based on the maximum imbalance and CG probability, the BSD, Chen's biased coin design with imbalance tolerance method, and Chen's Ehrenfest urn design perform better than popularly used permuted block design, EBCD, and Wei's urn design.
机译:为了评估在各种参数设置和试验样本量下的随机设计的性能,并针对治疗失衡和分配随机性确定最佳设计,我们使用15种样本量(范围从10到300)评估了14种随机设计的260个设计方案,失衡的三项措施和随机性的三项措施。选择最大绝对不平衡和正确猜测(CG)概率来评估每个随机设计的权衡性能。通过最大绝对不平衡度和CG概率来衡量,我们发现14种随机设计的性能位于封闭区域,其上边界(最坏的情况)由埃夫隆偏向硬币设计(BCD)和下边界(最佳)给出案例)来自Soares and Wu的大棒设计(BSD)。与靠近上边界的设计相比,靠近下边界的设计具有更小的不平衡度和更高的随机性。我们的研究表明,基于不平衡和随机性的量化评估,可以优化随机设计。基于最大不平衡和CG概率,BSD,具有不平衡容差方法的Chen偏向硬币设计以及Chen的Ehrenfest骨灰盒设计比普遍使用的置换方块设计,EBCD和Wei的骨灰盒设计要好。



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