首页> 外文期刊>Pharmaceutical research >Inhalable microparticles containing drug combinations to target alveolar macrophages for treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Inhalable microparticles containing drug combinations to target alveolar macrophages for treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.


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PURPOSE: Drug therapy of tuberculosis (TB) requires long-term oral administration of multiple drugs for curing as well as preventing and/ or combating multi-drug resistance. Persistent, high blood levels of antitubercular drugs resulting from prolonged oral administration of anti-TB drugs may be neither necessary nor sufficient to kill mycobacteria residing in macrophages (M4). Inhalable biodegradable microparticles containing two of the first-line anti-TB drugs, isoniazid (H), and rifampicin (R), were prepared and tested for (i) phagocytosis by mouse Mphi. (ii) administration as a dry powder inhalation to rats, and (iii) targeting alveolar Mphi with high drug doses when administered to rats. METHODS: poly(D-L lactic acid) microparticles were prepared by emulsion methods and their drug content and size distribution determined. These were tested for uptake by murine Mphi in culture and resultant intracellular drug concentrations determined by high performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC). Rats were administered an inhalation of microparticles using an inhalation chamber developed in the lab. The extent of microparticle delivery in vivo was examined by flow-cytometry. Drug concentrations in the blood and in alveolar Mphi were estimated by high-performance liquid chromatography after oral, vascular. intratracheal, and inhalation administration. RESULTS: Inhalable microparticles could be prepared and were taken up by cultured Mphi. Large numbers of particles could be delivered to the bronchiopulmonary system through a 2-min exposure to fluidized particles. The intracellular drug concentrations resulting from vascular delivery of soluble drugs were found to be lower than those resulting from particle inhalation. CONCLUSIONS: Inhalable microparticles containing multiple anti-TB drugs offer promises of dose and dosing-frequency reduction, toxicity alleviation, and targeting Mphi-resident persistent mycobacteria.
机译:目的:结核病(TB)的药物治疗需要长期口服多种药物来治愈,预防和/或对抗多种药物的耐药性。长期口服抗结核药物导致的持久高血抗结核药物可能对于杀死巨噬细胞(M4)中的分枝杆菌而言既不是必需的,也不是足够的。制备了包含两种一线抗结核药物异烟肼(H)和利福平(R)的可吸入生物降解微粒,并测试了(i)小鼠Mphi的吞噬作用。 (ii)以干粉吸入形式给药于大鼠,以及(iii)以高药物剂量靶向大鼠肺泡Mphi时给药。方法:采用乳液法制备聚(D-L乳酸)微粒,并确定其药物含量和粒径分布。测试了它们在培养物中是否被鼠Mphi摄取,并通过高效薄层色谱法(HPTLC)确定了所得的细胞内药物浓度。使用实验室中开发的吸入室向大鼠吸入微粒。通过流式细胞术检查体内微粒递送的程度。口服和血管注射后,通过高效液相色谱法估算血液和肺泡Mphi中的药物浓度。气管内和吸入给药。结果:可吸入的微粒可被制备并被培养的Mphi吸收。通过与流化颗粒接触2分钟,可以将大量颗粒递送至支气管肺系统。发现由可溶性药物的血管递送引起的细胞内药物浓度低于由颗粒吸入引起的细胞内药物浓度。结论:含有多种抗结核药物的可吸入微粒有望降低剂量和给药频率,减轻毒性并靶向Mphi持久性分枝杆菌。



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