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Gene expression profiling, a revolutionary tool in Bayer CropScience herbicide discovery


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With about US 13 billion dollar in turnover, the herbicide market is by far the biggest segment in the plant protection market. Over the last 10 years, it has grown only moderately because market dynamics were basically driven by replacement of established products with new herbicides showing only slightly better properties. Now the industry is researching novel solutions with superior agronomic profiles: profiles, which could alter the market-landscape or which even could create new market segments.Identification of compounds with novel herbicidal Modes of Action (MoA) would have the potential to open new segments and to trigger more growth. Therefore it is mandatory to exclude candidates with unfavourable MoAs very early from the research processand to concentrate the research efforts on compounds with favourable or even novel MoAs.Gene Expression Profiling (GEP) with DNA microarrays (chips) is a new technology used to measure changes in the entire transcriptome, i.e. full complement of active genes, of an organism in a single experiment. We have used GEP to create a catalogue of genetic fingerprints of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana, each fingerprint being characteristic for a single herbicidal MoA. We use this catalogue to rapidly classify herbicidal compounds from our Ultra High Throughput Vivo Screening (UHTVS) according to their MoA. Besides classification of herbicidal compounds into known MoAs, GEP also provides the opportunity to identify the affected metabolic pathway in the plant. Determination of the affected pathway is a first step towards the identification of novelherbicidal targets. Additionally GEP can identify the MoA of pro-drugs, which cannot be elucidated by conventional biochemical methods. GEP provides insight into the interactions of any herbicidal compound with the entire plant metabolism with unprecedented accuracy and completeness. Gene Expression Profiling is now used routinely in Bayer CropScience research and has become an indispensable tool for our herbicide discovery process.
机译:除草剂市场的营业额约为130亿美元,是迄今为止植物保护市场中最大的部分。在过去的10年中,它的增长仅是温和的,因为市场动态基本上是由用性能稍好一些的新除草剂代替老产品驱动的。现在,该行业正在研究具有优异农艺性状的新颖解决方案:可以改变市场格局甚至可能创造新市场细分的性状。具有新型除草剂作用模式(MoA)的化合物的鉴定将有可能开拓新的细分市场并触发更多增长。因此,必须在研究过程中尽早排除MoA不利的候选人,并将研究工作集中在MoA有利甚至新颖的化合物上.DNA微阵列(芯片)的基因表达谱分析(GEP)是一种用于测量变化的新技术在单个实验中,可以检测到生物的整个转录组,即活性基因的完整互补。我们已经使用GEP创建了拟南芥植物遗传指纹的目录,每个指纹都是单个除草MoA的特征。我们使用该目录根据MoA对我们的超高通量体内筛选(UHTVS)中的除草化合物进行快速分类。除了将除草化合物分类为已知的MoAs外,GEP还提供了识别植物中受影响的代谢途径的机会。确定受影响的途径是鉴定新除草目标的第一步。另外,GEP可以识别前药的MoA,而传统的生化方法无法阐明。 GEP提供了前所未有的准确性和完整性,可深入了解任何除草化合物与整个植物代谢之间的相互作用。现在,基因表达谱分析已在拜耳作物科学的研究中常规使用,并已成为我们除草剂发现过程中必不可少的工具。



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