首页> 外文期刊>Pferdeheilkunde >The examination of the equine lacrimal gland. [German]Original Title Die Untersuchung der Tranendruse beim Pferd.

The examination of the equine lacrimal gland. [German]Original Title Die Untersuchung der Tranendruse beim Pferd.

机译:马泪腺的检查。 [德语]原名检查马眼泪管。

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The clinical examination of the equine lacrimal gland is only poorly documented as yet. The goal of this paper was to develop a thorough and complete clinical minimal invasive examination protocol for examination of the equine lacrimal gland. This includes inspection of the dorsotemporal region of the upper eye lid, transconjunctival palpation and ultrasonographic examination of the lacrimal gland with a 7,5 MHz probe. As further imaging techniques for the evaluation of the lacrimal gland computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance tomography (MRT) are described. Finally, a minimal invasive biopsy technique for the lacrimal glands was developed. Forty horses of different age, gender and breeds were subjected to an ophthalmologic examination of both eyes, and were, when ophthalmologically normal, evaluated for lacrimal gland disorders, beginning with inspection and digital palpation in the standing horse. The texture of the anterior rim of the gland could be palpated and evaluated for possible pain, swelling, and foreign body. This was followed by a transpalpebral sonographic examination of both lacrimal glands with the ultrasound probe placed on the lower eye lid and directed dorso-temporally upward. This was well tolerated by the unsedated horses. Using this technique, the mean thickness of the gland was 3.2 mm in the left, and 3.3 mm in the right eye. In two patients with thickened lacrimal glands both were more than 10 mm thick. MRT was superior to CT examination of the gland tissue, as MRT showed more details of the soft tissue structure of the gland even in its position below the bony zygomatic arch of the frontal bone. Disadvantages are the need for general anesthesia for these examinations. Furthermore, a transconjunctival biopsy technique using an 18 G (1.2x152 mm) soft tissue biopsy needle that was manually curved to fit to the concave ventral contour of the lacrimal glandular fossa of the bony orbit and to enable the introduction of the needle between the globe and the bony orbit. Twenty eight biopsy specimens were taken from freshly euthanatized horses and were compared with specimens of the whole lacrimal gland. It was found that the results of the histological evaluation of the biopsy specimens were comparable to those of the specimens from the whole lacrimal gland. In two patients with severe swelling of the upper eye lid and severe chronic epiphora due to a swelling of the lacrimal gland needle biopsies could successfully be obtained transconjunctively under general anesthesia, rendering transpalpebral biopsy unnecessary. Since 2008, systematic histopathological examination results on the normal and diseased equine lacrimal gland are available (Medl 2008) which can serve as a reference for diagnostic evaluation of lacrimal gland biopsies. Using the here described modern examination techniques a complete examination protocol for cases of suspected lacrimal gland disorders exists.
机译:迄今为止,对马泪腺的临床检查文献很少。本文的目的是开发一种彻底而完整的临床微创检查方案,以检查马泪腺。这包括检查上眼睑的背颞区域,结膜触诊和使用7,5 MHz探头对泪腺进行超声检查。作为用于评估泪腺的计算机断层扫描(CT)和磁共振断层扫描(MRT)的其他成像技术,在此进行了介绍。最后,开发了一种针对泪腺的微创活检技术。对四十只不同年龄,性别和品种的马进行双眼眼科检查,当眼科正常时,对泪腺疾病进行评估,首先对站立的马进行检查和触诊。可以触诊腺体前缘的纹理,并评估可能的疼痛,肿胀和异物。随后,将超声探头放置在下眼睑上,并经颞背朝上,对两个泪腺进行经pal的超声检查。未镇静的马可以很好地忍受。使用这种技术,左眼的腺体平均厚度为3.2毫米,右眼为3.3毫米。在两名泪腺增厚的患者中,两人的厚度均超过10毫米。 MRT优于CT检查腺体组织,因为MRT可以显示腺体软组织结构的更多细节,即使其位于额骨的骨弓下方。不利之处在于这些检查需要全身麻醉。此外,结膜穿刺活检技术使用18 G(1.2x152 mm)软组织活检针,将其手动弯曲以适合骨眶泪腺窝的凹腹轮廓,并能将针头引入球体之间和骨质轨道。从刚进行安乐死的马中采集了二十八个活检标本,并与整个泪腺标本进行了比较。结果发现,活检标本的组织学评价结果与整个泪腺标本的结果相当。在全麻情况下,可以成功通过结膜结扎取得两名患者的上眼睑严重肿胀和由于泪腺针头活检肿胀而导致的严重慢性外溢,从而无需进行经睑活检。自2008年以来,可获得正常和患病马泪腺的系统组织病理学检查结果(Medl 2008),可为泪腺活检的诊断评估提供参考。使用这里描述的现代检查技术,存在针对可疑泪腺疾病病例的完整检查方案。



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