首页> 外文期刊>Pest Management Science >Comparative effect of integrated pest management and farmers' standard pest control practice for managing insect pests on cabbage (Brassica spp.)

Comparative effect of integrated pest management and farmers' standard pest control practice for managing insect pests on cabbage (Brassica spp.)


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BACKGROUND: Studies were conducted on experimental cabbage plantings in 2009 and on experimental and commercial plantings in 2010, comparing farmers' current chemical standard pesticide practices with an integrated pest management (IPM) program based on the use of neem (Aza-Direct) and DiPel (Bacillus thuringiensis). In experimental plantings, the IPM program used six or eight applications of neem and DiPel on a rotational basis. The standard-practice treatments consisted of six or eight applications of carbaryl and malathion or control treatment. RESULTS: The IPM treatments reduced pest populations and damage, resulting in a better yield than with the standard chemical or control treatment. When IPM treatment included three applications of neem plus three applications of DiPel (on a rotational basis in experimental fields), it again reduced the pest population and damage and produced a better yield than the standard practice. The lower input costs of the IPM program resulted in better economic returns in both trials. CONCLUSIONS: The IPM components neem and DiPel are suitable for use in an IPM program for managing insect pests on cabbage (Brassica spp.).
机译:背景:2009年对实验性白菜种植进行了研究,2010年对实验性和商业种植进行了研究,将农民当前的化学标准农药操作与基于印度em(Aza-Direct)和DiPel的综合虫害管理(IPM)计划进行了比较(苏云金芽孢杆菌)。在试验性播种中,IPM程序轮流使用了六或八种印度em和DiPel施用方法。标准做法的治疗包括西维因和马拉硫磷或对照治疗的六次或八次应用。结果:IPM处理减少了害虫数量并减少了危害,与标准化学处理或对照处理相比,产生了更高的产量。当IPM处理包括印ne的三个施用和DiPel的三个施用(在试验田中轮作)时,它再次减少了有害生物的数量和危害,并产生了比标准做法更好的产量。 IPM计划的投入成本较低,因此在两次试验中均获得了更好的经济回报。结论:IPM组分neem和DiPel适用于IPM程序,用于处理甘蓝(Brassica spp。)上的害虫。



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