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ANTS Controlling Ants


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Successful ant treatment is dependent on understanding the behavior and reproductive habits, as well as proper identification, of the specific species.Ants have a range of habits: some are solitary, some live in large colonies; some are plant feeders and some are parasites or predators. They have chewing mouthparts. and they use their mandibles to chew wood and build nests to contain their colonies. The colony survives through a system of dividing the labor of building and maintaining it among individuals. Queens originate the colony and lay eggs; workers, which are sterile females, gather food, maintain and repair, and defend the colony. New ant colonies usually start with a mating flight: males and females fly from the nest and mate in the air or on the ground. After mating, the female forms a nest by making a brood chamber, and begins laying eggs. Workers of the first brood forage and feed the queen, expand the nest, and care for the next brood. The founding queen continues tp lay eggs and remains in the nest. When the colony reaches a size of several thousand workers, the queen lays eggs that develop into reproductive females and males, and theprocess starts over.



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