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Rig Count Offers Unreliable Guide To US Output


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Among all the numerical data relating to the US oil industry, the active rig count has been watched intensely in recent months for signs of whether the country's oil output could be starting to falter as onshore activity wanes, marking a pivot point from which recently battered crude prices could recover. But how fair is this extrapolation? No indicator is perfect, But there are many reasons to take the US onshore rig count with a pinch of salt The headline numbers are striking. In all, the US rig count has tumbled by 32% from its mid-October peak of 1,930 rigs — a formidable decline that reflects the impact of low oil prices on US producers (PIW Jan. 16' 15). But the rig count actually says far less about the market now than it did even during the 2008-09 oil price downturn.
机译:在与美国石油业有关的所有数值数据中,近几个月来一直在密切关注活跃钻机数量的迹象,以确定该国的石油产量是否会随着陆上活动的减弱而开始步履蹒跚,这标志着近期重击原油的一个关键点价格可能会恢复。但是这种推断有多公平呢?没有任何指标是完美的,但是有很多理由让美国陆上钻井平台数不胜数。标题数字惊人。总体而言,美国的钻井平台数量比10月中旬的1,930台钻井平台高峰下降了32%,这一惊人的下降反映了低油价对美国生产商的影响(PIW 1月16日至15日)。但实际上,钻机数量对市场的影响远不及对2008-09年油价低迷时期的影响。



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