首页> 外文期刊>Petroleum Economist >Chad:Chevron and Petronas threatened with expulsion over tax arrears

Chad:Chevron and Petronas threatened with expulsion over tax arrears


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A CRISIS IS brewing in Chad after the government threatened Chevron and Malaysia's Petronas with expulsion over alleged unpaid tax bills.The two foreign oil groups are part of the ExxonMobil-led consortium that pumps around 225,000 barrels a day of crude from several fields in the country's southern Doba basin.Oil is exported from the landlocked central African state through a 1,000 km pipeline across Cameroon to the Atlantic coast,in a project that was funded by the World Bank and other donors.Initially,it was hailed as a model for African development,with donors helping to draw billions of dollars in private-sector investment into one of the continent's poorest states.However,since first oil began to flow in 2003,relations between the government and its foreign backers have slowly turned sour.
机译:在政府威胁雪佛龙和马来西亚国家石油公司(Petronas)涉嫌未缴税款的驱逐后,危机正在乍得酝酿中。这两个外国石油集团是埃克森美孚领导的财团的一部分,该财团每天从该国多个油田抽出约225,000桶原油多巴盆地南部。在世界银行和其他捐助者资助的一个项目中,石油从内陆中部非洲国家通过喀麦隆至喀麦隆的1000公里输油管道出口。该项目最初被誉为非洲发展的典范。 ,有捐助者帮助将数十亿美元的私人部门投资吸引到了非洲最贫穷的国家之一。但是,自从2003年第一批石油开始流动以来,政府与其外国支持者之间的关系就慢慢变糟了。



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