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Iraq's oil in the maelstrom


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Against the background of fiscal constraint imposed by low global oil prices, Iraq's oil and gas industry has become a victim of IS violence and a dispute among politicians in Baghdad that is paralysing the federal government. IS gun and suicide attacks at the end of July on the 175,000 b/d Bai Hassan oilfield and gas compressor station AB2 near Kirkuk in northern Iraq left five employees of the state-owned North Oil Company (NOC) dead. Production at Bai Hassan was halted and later resumed at 100,000 b/d. Gas production was re-routed but volumes were not affected. While NOC operates Bai Hassan field and the Avana Dome of the Kirkuk oilfield, both came under the control of the KRG at the time of the IS surge through northern Iraq in 2014.
机译:在全球油价低迷造成财政紧缩的背景下,伊拉克的石油和天然气工业已成为IS暴力的受害者以及巴格达政客之间的一场争执,瘫痪了联邦政府。 7月底,伊拉克北部基尔库克附近175,000桶/天的白哈桑油田和天然气压缩机站AB2发生IS枪和自杀袭击,导致国有的北方石油公司(NOC)的五名员工死亡。 Bai Hassan的生产停止了,后来以100,000桶/天的速度恢复生产。重新调整了天然气生产路线,但产量没有受到影响。尽管NOC运营着Bai Hassan油田和Kirkuk油田的Avana Dome,但在2014年IS穿越伊拉克北部时,IS激增时,两者都处于KRG的控制之下。



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