首页> 外文期刊>Parasite Immunology >Immunity, resistance and tolerance in bird-parasite interactions. (Special Issue: The evolutionary biology of host defence.)

Immunity, resistance and tolerance in bird-parasite interactions. (Special Issue: The evolutionary biology of host defence.)

机译:禽-寄生虫相互作用中的免疫力,抗性和耐受性。 (特刊:宿主防御的进化生物学。)

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Interacting pathogens and hosts have evolved reciprocal adaptations whose function is to allow host exploitation (from the pathogen stand point) or minimize the cost of infection (from the host stand point). Once infected, two strategies are offered to the host: parasite clearing (resistance) and withstanding the infection while paying a low fitness cost (tolerance). In both cases, the immune system plays a central role. Interestingly, whatever the defence strategy adopted by the host, this is likely to have an effect on parasite evolution. Given their short generation time and large population size, parasites are expected to rapidly adapt to the environmental conditions provided by their hosts. The immune system can therefore represent a powerful engine of parasite evolution, with the direction of such evolutionary trajectory depending on, among other factors, (i) the type of mechanism involved (resistance or tolerance) and (ii) the damage induced by overreacting immune defences. In this article, I will discuss these different issues focusing on selected examples of recent work conducted on two bird pathogens, the protozoa responsible for avian malaria (Plasmodium sp.) and the bacterium Mycoplasma gallisepticum.
机译:相互作用的病原体和宿主之间已经发展了相互适应,其功能是允许宿主(从病原体的角度)进行宿主开发,或使感染的成本(从宿主的角度出发)最小化。一旦感染,将为宿主提供两种策略:清除寄生虫(抵抗力)和承受感染,同时支付较低的适应性费用(耐受性)。在这两种情况下,免疫系统都起着核心作用。有趣的是,无论宿主采取何种防御策略,这都可能对寄生虫的进化产生影响。由于寄生虫的世代时间短且人口众多,因此有望迅速适应其寄主提供的环境条件。因此,免疫系统可以代表寄生虫进化的强大引擎,这种进化轨迹的方向取决于以下因素,其中包括:(i)涉及的机制类型(抗性或耐受性),以及(ii)免疫反应过度引起的损害防御。在本文中,我将讨论这些不同的问题,重点是针对两种鸟类病原体(负责禽类疟原虫(Plasmodium sp。)的原生动物和鸡支原体支原体)进行的近期工作的示例。



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