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Long-term results of bowel function after treatment for Hirschsprung's disease: a 29-year review.


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Although various surgical procedures have been described to treat Hirschsprung's disease (HD), few studies have evaluated the long-term results of these children. The purpose of this study was to assess the long-term clinical outcome and bowel function of patients with HD. The hospital records of 259 consecutive patients with a confirmed histological diagnosis of HD during 1975-2003 were examined. Data was assessed for age at presentation, sex, clinical presentation, associated anomalies, level of aganglionosis, surgical procedures, complications and bowel function. Follow up was carried out by personal/telephone interviews with patients or their parents. Of the 259 patients with HD, 200 were males (77.2%) and 59 females (22.8%). Intestinal obstruction was the presenting feature in 147 patients (56.8%), intestinal perforation in 5 (1.9%), enterocolitis in 30 (11.6%) and constipation in 77 (29.7%). Thirty-nine patients (15.1%) had associated Down's syndrome. Two hundred and nine patients (80.7%) had rectosigmoid disease, 31 (12%) had long segment disease and 19 (7.3%) had total colonic aganglionosis. Forty-three patients (16.6%) had preoperative enterocolitis. Primary colostomy was performed in 160 patients and a primary pull through in 90. Seven patients had a sphincteromyectomy for ultrashort HD. Two patients died prior to treatment. Various pull through procedures were performed in these patients. Postoperative complications included: pelvic abcess in 2, rectal stricture in 10, perianal excoriation in 7, anastomotic leak in 8, intestinal obstruction in 3, wound dehiscence in 1, stomal prolapse/stenosis in 5, rectovesical fistula in 2 and enterocolitis in 56. Five patients underwent a redo pull through and 46 required a post pull through sphincterectomy. At the time of follow-up, 27 were lost to follow-up, 9 died, 18 had permanent stomas and 4 were too young to assess bowel function. Of the remaining 194 patients, bowel function was normal in 132 (68%). Twenty patients (10.3%) had soiling and 42 (21.7%) had constipation requiring laxatives or enemas. There was no difference in bowel function in relation to type of pull through operation. Only 34% of patients with Down's syndrome had normal continence. The majority of patients with HD continue to have disturbances of bowel function for many years before attaining normal continence.
机译:尽管已描述了各种手术方法来治疗Hirschsprung病(HD),但很少有研究评估这些儿童的长期结果。这项研究的目的是评估HD患者的长期临床结局和肠功能。回顾了1975-2003年间259例经确诊为HD病理学诊断的患者的医院记录。评估了出现时的年龄,性别,临床表现,相关异常,神经节病的水平,手术程序,并发症和肠功能的数据。随访是通过对患者或其父母的个人/电话采访进行的。在259例HD患者中,男性200例(77.2%),女性59例(22.8%)。肠梗阻为147例(56.8%),肠穿孔为5例(1.9%),小肠结肠炎为30例(11.6%),便秘为77例(29.7%)。三十九例(15.1%)患有唐氏综合症。 209例(80.7%)患有直肠乙状结肠疾病,其中31例(12%)患有长段性疾病,而19例(7.3%)患有完全性结肠神经节病。术前小肠结肠炎43例(16.6%)。 160例患者进行了初次结肠造口术,90例患者进行了初次穿刺。7例患者接受了超短HD括约肌切开术。两名患者在治疗前死亡。在这些患者中进行了各种穿刺手术。术后并发症包括:盆腔脓肿2个,直肠狭窄10个,肛周切除7个,吻合口漏8个,肠梗阻3个,伤口裂开1个,口腔脱垂/狭窄5个,直肠瘘2个,肠结肠炎56个。 5例患者接受了重做穿刺,其中46例需要进行括约肌切除术。在随访时,有27例失访,9例死亡,18例患有永久性造口,4例太年轻而无法评估肠功能。在其余的194名患者中,有132名(68%)的肠功能正常。 20名患者(10.3%)出现了弄脏,而42名患者(21.7%)出现了需要泻药或灌肠的便秘。肠功能与穿刺手术类型无差异。唐氏综合症患者中只有34%的尿量正常。大多数HD患者在达到正常尿量之前,多年来一直存在肠功能障碍。



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