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Location of stem cells for the enteric nervous system.


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Hirschsprung disease is the result of aganglionosis of a variable length of the terminal bowel, which arises from the incomplete colonisation of the embryonic gut by vagal neural crest-derived cells (NCC) that migrate caudally from the pharyngeal gut to the rectum. We have previously shown that a very small group of NCC, at the leading edge of this wave of migration, can proliferate and differentiate to innervate the entire distal gut. It remains unknown if this capability is unique to those cells at the leading edge of NCC migration. The hypothesis tested was that NCC capable of acting as stem cells are found throughout the developing enteric nervous system (ENS). Gut was taken from mice at embryonic day 11.5 as the leading edge of NCC migration enters the colon. Terminal colon was separated as aganglionic recipient gut and its rostral end juxtaposed to the caudal end of the small intestine or caecum. The explants were cultured on nitrocellulose filters for up to 120 h, after which time the apposed segments had fused. The gut was then fixed and examined by immunohistochemistry to detect the neuronal markers PGP9.5 and nitric-oxide synthase (NOS) to assess development of enteric ganglia. NCC migrated from the proximal gut into the terminal colon, colonising it along its entire length. The pattern of NCC colonisation and differentiation of NOS-positive neurons was the same, regardless of whether the NCC were derived from the leading edge of migration in the caecum or from more proximal regions of the small intestine. Vagal NCC have the capacity to migrate into separated aganglionic terminal colon and differentiate into neurons. NCC at the leading edge of migration and those located more proximally within the gut demonstrate equivalent ability to migrate to and differentiate in the terminal rectum. Further studies are required to confirm which of these migrating NCC have the properties of ENS stem cells.
机译:Hirschsprung病是末端肠可变长度的神经节病的结果,这是由于迷走神经c衍生的细胞(NCC)从尾肠从尾肠向直肠尾部迁移导致的胚胎肠的不完全定殖引起的。先前我们已经表明,在这一迁移浪潮的前沿,一小组非常小的NCC可以扩散并分化以支配整个远端肠道。对于在NCC迁移的最前沿的那些小区而言,这种功能是否独特,仍然未知。测试的假设是,在整个发育中的肠神经系统(ENS)中都发现了能够充当干细胞的NCC。 NCC迁移的前沿进入结肠时,在胚胎的第11.5天从小鼠身上取下了肠。末端结肠被分离为节肢动物受体肠,其鼻端并列于小肠或盲肠的尾端。将外植体在硝酸纤维素滤膜上培养长达120小时,然后将对位的片段融合在一起。然后固定肠并通过免疫组织化学检查以检测神经元标记物PGP9.5和一氧化氮合酶(NOS)以评估肠神经节的发育。 NCC从近端肠道迁移到末端结肠,沿其整个长度定居。 NCC定植和NOS阳性神经元分化的模式是相同的,无论NCC是源自盲肠迁移的前沿还是源自小肠的更近端区域。迷走神经细胞癌具有迁移进入分离的神经节末期结肠并分化为神经元的能力。迁移前沿的NCC和位于肠内较近端的NCC表现出同等的迁移能力,可在直肠末端分化。需要进一步的研究以确认这些迁移的NCC中哪些具有ENS干细胞的特性。



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