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Prevalence of type 1 diabetes mellitus in 6-18-yr-old school children living in Istanbul, Turkey


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Background: Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is among the most common chronic diseases in childhood and the incidence of T1DM is increasing worldwide. There is no actual data regarding the frequency of T1DM in Turkish children. Objectives: We aimed to assess current prevalence of T1DM in 6-18-yr-old school children living in Istanbul. Methods: Total number of students and children on insulin treatment were reported by the schools, as the first part of the study. At the second step, the study team visited 203 schools for confirmation of the reported data. Results: One thousand and ninety children in a population of 1 630 751 school children were reported to have T1DM, which made the total prevalence of T1DM 0.67/1000 (95% confidence interval 0.6/1000-0.7/1000). A population of 217 030 children (alpha = 0.05 and beta = 0.20) from 203 schools were screened. The difference between the reported and detected prevalence was 0.032/1000 (215 detected vs. 222 reported, p > 0.05). Comparison of the current data with the prevalence reported in a smaller population in Ankara, Turkey, 16 yr ago, demonstrated that the prevalence of T1DM is higher in the current study (0.46/1000 vs. 0.16/1000, 0.57/1000 vs. 0.34/1000, and 0.92/1000 vs. 0.69/1000 at primary, secondary, and high schools, respectively). Conclusion: This first pediatric T1DM prevalence data in a large pediatric population in Istanbul, Turkey, estimated the prevalence of T1DM as 0.67/1000. This prevalence is 2.5-fold higher than that reported in Ankara, Turkey, in 1993, suggesting that T1DM prevalence is increasing in Turkey as in the other parts of the world.
机译:背景:1型糖尿病(T1DM)是儿童时期最常见的慢性疾病之一,世界范围内T1DM的发病率正在增加。没有有关土耳其儿童中T1DM频率的实际数据。目的:我们旨在评估目前居住在伊斯坦布尔的6-18岁学龄儿童中T1DM的患病率。方法:作为研究的第一部分,学校报告了接受胰岛素治疗的学生和儿童的总数。第二步,研究小组访问了203所学校,以确认所报告的数据。结果:据报道,在1,630751名学龄儿童中有190名儿童患有T1DM,这使得T1DM的总患病率为0.67 / 1000(95%置信区间为0.6 / 1000-0.7 / 1000)。筛选了203所学校的217 030名儿童(alpha = 0.05和beta = 0.20)的人口。报告的患病率与检测到的患病率之间的差异为0.032 / 1000(检测到的215对报告的222,p> 0.05)。将当前数据与16年前土耳其安卡拉较小人群中报告的患病率进行比较,结果表明,本研究中T1DM的患病率较高(0.46 / 1000与0.16 / 1000、0.57 / 1000与0.34。 / 1000和0.92 / 1000,而小学,初中和高中分别为0.69 / 1000)。结论:这是土耳其伊斯坦布尔大量儿童人群中的第一例儿科T1DM患病率数据,估计T1DM患病率为0.67 / 1000。该患病率比1993年土耳其安卡拉的患病率高2.5倍,这表明与世界其他地区一样,土耳其的T1DM患病率正在增加。



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