首页> 外文期刊>Pediatric dermatology >Safety and Efficacy of Calcipotriene Plus Betamethasone Dipropionate Topical Suspension in the Treatment of Extensive Scalp Psoriasis in Adolescents Ages 12 to 17 Years

Safety and Efficacy of Calcipotriene Plus Betamethasone Dipropionate Topical Suspension in the Treatment of Extensive Scalp Psoriasis in Adolescents Ages 12 to 17 Years


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The objective of this study was to assess the safety and efficacy of the fixed combination calcipotriene 0.005% plus betamethasone dipropionate 0.064% topical suspension in adolescents with extensive scalp psoriasis. In this phase II, open-label, 8-week study, adolescents with psoriasis (ages 12-17 years) with 20% or more of the scalp area affected (at least moderate severity according to Investigator's Global Assessment [IGA]) were assigned to once-daily treatment with calcipotriene plus betamethasone dipropionate topical suspension. The primary end-point was safety, focusing on calcium metabolism and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function. Secondary efficacy end-points were the proportion of patient's achieving treatment success (clear or almost clear disease according to the IGA and clear or very mild disease according to the Patient's Global Assessment [PaGA]) and percentage change in investigator-assessed Total Sign Score (TSS). Pruritus was also assessed. Overall, 31 patients received treatment. Sixteen patients (52%) experienced a total of 20 adverse events; 19 were considered unrelated to study treatment, 14 were mild, and none were serious or lesional or perilesional on the scalp. One patient showed signs of mild adrenal suppression at week 4; the patient discontinued treatment and had normal test results at follow-up 4 weeks later. No cases of hypercalcemia were reported. By treatment end, treatment success was reported for 17 patients (55%) according to the IGA and 18 (58%) according to the PGA. Mean TSS improved from 6.9 at baseline to 2.9 at treatment end (59% improvement). By week 8, 28 patients (90%) experienced mild or no itching, versus 20 (65%) at baseline. Once-daily calcipotriene plus betamethasone dipropionate topical suspension was well tolerated and efficacious for the treatment of scalp psoriasis in adolescents.
机译:这项研究的目的是评估固定组合组合卡泊三烯0.005%+倍他米松二丙酸酯0.064%局部混悬液在头皮广泛性银屑病青少年中的安全性和有效性。在这个第二阶段的开放标签,为期8周的研究中,分配了银屑病青少年(12-17岁),其头皮面积受到影响的比例为20%或以上(根据研究者的全球评估[IGA],其严重程度至少为中等)每天一次用卡泊三烯加倍他米松双丙酸酯局部混悬液治疗。主要终点是安全性,重点是钙代谢和下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴功能。次要疗效终点是患者取得治疗成功的比例(根据IGA,明确的疾病或几乎明确的疾病,根据患者的总体评估[PaGA],疾病的明确或非常轻度的疾病)和研究者评估的总体征分数的变化百分比( TSS)。还评估了瘙痒。总体上,有31名患者接受了治疗。 16名患者(52%)总共经历了20次不良事件; 19例被认为与研究治疗无关,14例是轻度的,头皮上没有严重,病灶或周围的病灶。 1例患者在第4周出现轻度肾上腺抑制的征象。该患者停止治疗并在4周后的随访中获得正常测试结果。没有高钙血症的报道。在治疗结束时,根据IGA报告有​​17例患者(55%)治疗成功,根据PGA报告有​​18例(58%)治疗成功。平均TSS从基线的6.9改善到治疗结束时的2.9(改善59%)。到第8周时,有28位患者(90%)出现轻度或无瘙痒,而基线时为20位(65%)。每天一次卡泊三烯加倍他米松双丙酸酯局部混悬液耐受良好,对治疗青少年头皮牛皮癣有效。



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