首页> 外文期刊>Pediatric allergy and immunology: official publication of the European Society of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology >Prescription patterns for asthma medications in children and adolescents with health care insurance in the United States.

Prescription patterns for asthma medications in children and adolescents with health care insurance in the United States.


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Asthma is the most common chronic condition of childhood, and its prevalence has increased over recent decades. However, many children and adolescents with asthma are not being managed in accordance with guideline recommendations. The objective of this study was to analyze prescribing patterns for asthma medications in 6- to 18-yr-olds, with a focus on those aged 6-11 yr. Data from patients enrolled for >/=6 months in PharMetrics were analyzed between June 1, 1995, and September 30, 2008. PharMetrics contains data from 45 million US patients from 85 health care plans, including standard and mail order prescription records. Prescriptions for asthma medication for each patient were recorded. The overall asthma cohort included 659,169 patients; 34,950 (5%) were classified as having severe asthma. The 6- to 11-yr-old subgroup consisted of 374,068 patients (56.7% of the overall asthma cohort). Almost 40% of the population received no medication (severe asthma 1.0%; non-severe asthma 37.6%), with almost identical findings in the 6- to 11-yr-old subgroup. In patients with non-severe and severe asthma, frequency of medication use was as follows: short-acting beta(2) -agonists (53% and 92%), oral steroids (23% and 64%), leukotriene receptor antagonists (17% and 49%); inhaled corticosteroids alone (15% and 80%) and in combination with long-acting beta(2) -agonists (10% and 22%), respectively. Results for patients in the 6- to 11-yr subgroup were similar to those of the overall cohort. In conclusion, a considerable proportion of children and adolescents with asthma do not receive any asthma medication. Among those who do receive medication, adherence to current guidelines is questionable.
机译:哮喘是儿童期最常见的慢性疾病,近几十年来,哮喘的患病率呈上升趋势。但是,许多哮喘的儿童和青少年未按照指南的建议进行治疗。这项研究的目的是分析6至18岁儿童的哮喘药物处方模式,重点是6至11岁的儿童。在1995年6月1日至2008年9月30日期间,分析了在PharMetrics中入组> / = 6个月的患者的数据。PharMetrics包含来自85个医疗保健计划的4,500万美国患者的数据,包括标准和邮购处方记录。记录每位患者的哮喘药物处方。整个哮喘队列包括659,169名患者; 34,950(5%)被归类为重度哮喘。 6至11岁的亚组包括374,068名患者(占总体哮喘队列的56.7%)。几乎40%的人口未接受药物治疗(重度哮喘1.0%;非重度哮喘37.6%),在6至11岁的亚组中几乎没有发现。在非重症和重度哮喘患者中,药物的使用频率如下:短效β(2)-激动剂(53%和92%),口服类固醇(23%和64%),白三烯受体拮抗剂(17 %和49%);单独吸入皮质类固醇(15%和80%),并与长效β(2)激动剂组合吸入(分别为10%和22%)。 6至11岁亚组患者的结果与整个队列的结果相似。总之,相当多的哮喘儿童和青少年没有接受任何哮喘药物治疗。在那些确实接受药物治疗的人中,是否遵守现行指南存在疑问。



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