首页> 外文期刊>Pedosphere: A Quarterly Journal of Soil Science >Soil Carbon Sequestration Potential as Affected by Management Practices in Northern China: A Simulation Study

Soil Carbon Sequestration Potential as Affected by Management Practices in Northern China: A Simulation Study


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Soil has been identified as a possible carbon (C) sink for sequestering atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). However, soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics in agro-ecosystems is affected by complex interactions of various factors including climate, soil and agricultural management practices, which hinders our understanding of the underlying mechanisms. The objectives of this study were to use the Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM) model to simulate the long-term SOC dynamics under different management practices at four long-term experimental sites, Zhengzhou and Xuzhou with double cropping systems and Gongzhuling and Urumqi with single cropping systems, located in northern China. Firstly, the model was calibrated using information from the sites and literature, and its performance to predict crop growth and SOC dynamics was examined The calibrated model was then used to assess the impacts of different management practices, including fertilizer application, irrigation, and residue retention, on C dynamics in the top 30 cm of the soil by scenario modelling. Results indicate a significant SOC sequestration potential through improved management practices of nitrogen (N) fertilizer application, stubble retention, and irrigation. Optimal N fertilization (N-opt) and 100% stubble retention (R100) increased SOC by about 11.2%, 208.29%, and 283.67% under irrigation at Gongzhuling, Zhengzhou, and Xuzhou, respectively. Soil organic carbon decreased rapidly at Urumqi under irrigation, which was due to the enhanced decomposition by increased soil moisture. Under rainfed condition, SOC remained at a higher level. The combination of Nopt and R100 increased SOC by about 0.46% under rainfed condition at Urumqi. Generally, agricultural soils with double cropping systems (Zhengzhou and Xuzhou) showed a greater potential to sequester C than those with single cropping systems (Gongzhuling and Urumqi).
机译:已确定土壤是隔离大气中二氧化碳(CO2)的可能的碳(C)汇。但是,农业生态系统中土壤有机碳(SOC)的动态受各种因素(包括气候,土壤和农业管理实践)的复杂相互作用的影响,这阻碍了我们对基本机制的理解。这项研究的目的是使用农业生产系统仿真器(APSIM)模型在四个长期试验站点上对不同管理实践下的长期SOC动态进行模拟,郑州和徐州采用双种植系统,而公主岭和乌鲁木齐采用单一种植系统种植系统,位于中国北方。首先,使用来自现场和文献的信息对模型进行校准,并检验其预测作物生长和SOC动态的性能。然后使用校准后的模型评估不同管理实践的影响,包括施肥,灌溉和残留残留物,通过方案建模分析了土壤顶部30 cm的碳动力学。结果表明,通过改善氮肥施用,留茬和灌溉管理实践,SOC的潜在封存潜力很大。在公主岭,郑州和徐州,最佳灌溉施肥(N-opt)和100%留茬(R100)使SOC分别增加约11.2%,208.29%和283.67%。灌溉条件下,乌鲁木齐市土壤有机碳迅速下降,这是由于土壤水分增加而引起的分解增加。在雨水条件下,SOC保持在较高水平。乌鲁木齐在雨养条件下,Nopt和R100的结合使SOC增加了约0.46%。一般而言,双重种植系统(郑州和徐州)的农业土壤比单一种植系统(公主岭和乌鲁木齐)的固碳潜力更大。



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