首页> 外文期刊>Pediatrics: Official Publication of the American Academy of Pediatrics >Preterm infants with congenital heart disease and bronchopulmonary dysplasia: postoperative course and outcome after cardiac surgery.

Preterm infants with congenital heart disease and bronchopulmonary dysplasia: postoperative course and outcome after cardiac surgery.


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OBJECTIVE: Success in treatment of premature infants has resulted in increased numbers of neonates who have bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and require surgical palliation or repair of congenital heart disease (CHD). We sought to investigate the impact of BPD on children with CHD after heart surgery. METHODS: This was a retrospective, multicenter study of patients who had BPD, defined as being oxygen dependent at 28 days of age with radiographic changes, and CHD and had cardiac surgery (excluding arterial duct ligation) between January 1991 and January 2002. Forty-three infants underwent a total of 52 cardiac operations. The median gestational age at birth was 28 weeks (range: 23-35 weeks), birth weight was 1460 g (range: 431-2500 g), and age at surgery was 2.7 months (range: 1.0-11.6 months). Diagnoses included left-to-right shunts (n = 15), conotruncal abnormalities (n = 13), arch obstruction (n = 6), univentricular hearts (n 4), semilunar valve obstruction (n triatriatum (n = 1). RESULTS: Thirty-day survival was 84% with 6 early and 6 late postoperative deaths. Survival to hospital discharge was 68%. There was 50% mortality for patients with univentricular hearts and severe BPD. The median duration of preoperative ventilation was 76 days (range: 2-244 days) and of postoperative ventilation was 15 days (range: 1-141 days). The median duration of cardiac ICU stay was 7.5 days (range: 1-30 days) and of hospital stay was 115 days (range: 35-475 days). Current pulmonary status includes on room air (n = 14), O2 at home (n = 4), and ventilated at home (n = 4) or in hospital (n = 4), and 5 patients were lost to follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: BPD has significant implications for children who have CHD and undergo cardiac surgery, leading to prolonged ICU and hospital stays, although most survivors are not O2 dependent. Postoperative mortality was highest among patients with univentricular hearts and severe BPD. Optimal timing of surgery and strategies to improve outcome remains to be delineated.
机译:目的:成功治疗早产儿导致患有支气管肺发育不良(BPD)并需要手术缓解或修复先天性心脏病(CHD)的新生儿数量增加。我们试图调查BPD对心脏手术后CHD儿童的影响。方法:这是一项回顾性,多中心研究,研究对象为1991年1月至2002年1月之间BPD(定义为在28天时有氧依赖且影像学改变的患者)和CHD并接受了心脏手术(不包括动脉导管结扎术)的患者。 3例婴儿接受了52次心脏手术。出生时的中位胎龄为28周(范围:23-35周),出生体重为1460 g(范围:431-2500 g),手术年龄为2.7个月(范围:1.0-11.6个月)。诊断包括从左向右分流(n = 15),椎弓根异常(n = 13),弓状梗阻(n = 6),单心室心脏(n 4),半月瓣膜梗阻(n三心房(n = 1)。 :30天生存率为84%,术后有6例早期和6例死亡;出院生存率为68%;单心室和严重BPD患者的死亡率为50%。术前通气的中位时间为76天(范围:2-244天),术后通气为15天(范围:1-141天);心脏ICU停留的中位时间为7.5天(范围:1-30天),住院时间为115天(范围: 35-475天),目前的肺部状况包括室内空气(n = 14),在家中的氧气(n = 4)和在家中通气(n = 4)或在医院(n = 4)通风,其中5例患者结论:BPD对患有冠心病并接受心脏手术的儿童具有重要意义,尽管大多数人对大多数人而言,BPD会延长ICU和住院时间幸存者不依赖氧气。单心室心脏病和严重BPD患者的术后死亡率最高。手术的最佳时机和改善结果的策略仍有待描述。



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