首页> 外文期刊>Pediatrics: Official Publication of the American Academy of Pediatrics >Characteristics of breastfeeding practices among US mothers.

Characteristics of breastfeeding practices among US mothers.


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OBJECTIVES: Although much has been published about breastfeeding rates, little is known about how breastfeeding is practiced in the United States. We describe the distributions and characteristics of practices related to common advice about breastfeeding during the infant's first year of life. PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: Participants in the 2005-2007 Infant Feeding Practices Study II received monthly questionnaires during their infants' first year of life. Among breastfeeding respondents, we investigated patterns and trends in types of breastfeeding (supplementing with formula or not, and at the breast or not) and maternal report of infant feeding behaviors corresponding to common breastfeeding advice on frequency, duration, and intervals of feedings. RESULTS: More than half of the breastfeeding mothers fed their infants nothing other than breast milk until 4 months of age. Formula supplementation declined from 42% at 1 month to 15% at 1 year; adding other foods/liquids increasingly surpassed supplementing with formula beginning at 5 months of age. Six percent of the mothers reported that the only breast milk the infant was fed was expressed, rather than at the breast. Frequency of breast milk feedings per day declined from 8 at 1 month to 3.5 at 1 year. Reported feeding durations of <20 minutes increased from 46% at 1 month to 88% at 1 year. Feeding from both breasts per feeding decreased 15% over the infant's first year (from 69% to 59%). Longest interfeeding intervals more than doubled over the year. CONCLUSIONS: Exclusive breastfeeding was common up to 4 but not to 6 months of age. Breastfeeding with only expressed milk was rare. Considerable variation existed in maternal report of practices that correspond to common breastfeeding advice. More research is needed to better understand how these variations relate to breastfeeding outcomes and the role of common breastfeeding advice in infant feeding decisions.
机译:目的:尽管有关母乳喂养率的报道很多,但对于美国如何进行母乳喂养知之甚少。我们描述了与婴儿出生后第一年的母乳喂养常见建议有关的做法的分布和特点。参与者和方法:2005-2007年婴儿喂养实践研究II的参与者在婴儿出生后的第一年接受了每月的问卷调查。在母乳喂养的受访者中,我们调查了母乳喂养类型(是否用配方奶以及是否在母乳中进行喂养)的模式和趋势,以及母乳喂养婴儿行为的报告,这些行为与常见的母乳喂养建议有关,包括喂养频率,持续时间和间隔时间。结果:超过一半的母乳喂养母亲直到4个月大才喂母乳。配方奶粉的添加量从1个月的42%降至1年的15%;从5个月大开始,添加其他食品/液体就越来越超过了补充配方食品的要求。 6%的母亲报告说,婴儿被喂养的是唯一的母乳,而不是母乳。每天母乳喂养的频率从1个月的8次下降到1年的3.5次。报告的<20分钟喂食时间从1个月的46%增加到1年的88%。在婴儿的第一年中,两次母乳喂养减少了15%(从69%降至59%)。最长的喂食间隔在一年中增加了一倍以上。结论:纯母乳喂养在4个月至6个月大时很常见。仅母乳喂养的母乳很少。母体实践报告中存在与普通母乳喂养建议相对应的巨大差异。需要做更多的研究来更好地理解这些差异与母乳喂养结果之间的关系以及常见母乳喂养建议在婴儿喂养决策中的作用。



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