首页> 外文期刊>Perspectives in Biology and Medicine >THE UN CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD relevance and application to pediatric clinical bioethics

THE UN CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD relevance and application to pediatric clinical bioethics


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This article provides an overview of the relevance and import of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) to child health practice and pediatric bioethics. We discuss the four general principles of the CRC that apply to the implementation of all rights contained in the document, the right to health articulated in Article 24, and the important position ascribed to parents in fulfilling the rights of their children. We then examine how the CRC is implemented and monitored in law and practice. The CRC and associated principles of child rights provide strategies for rights-based approaches to clinical practice and health systems, as well as to policy design, professional training, and health services research. In light of the relevance of the CRC and principles of child rights to children's health and child health practice, it follows that there is an intersection between child rights and pediatric bioethics. Pediatric bioethicists and child rights advocates should work together to define this intersection in all domains of pediatric practice.
机译:本文概述了《联合国儿童权利公约》(CRC)与儿童保健实践和儿科生物伦理学的相关性和重要性。我们讨论了适用于实现文档中所有权利的《儿童权利公约》的四项一般原则,第24条阐明的健康权,以及赋予父母在实现子女权利方面的重要地位。然后,我们研究如何在法律和实践中实施和监控CRC。 《儿童权利公约》和相关的儿童权利原则为基于权利的临床实践和卫生系统以及政策设计,专业培训和卫生服务研究提供了策略。鉴于《儿童权利公约》和儿童权利原则与儿童健康和儿童健康实践的相关性,因此得出结论,儿童权利与儿科生物伦理学之间存在交叉点。儿科生物伦理学家和儿童权利倡导者应共同努力,在儿科实践的所有领域中定义这种交叉点。



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