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M-PEOPLE West Cumbria takes on the world ... and wins!


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t was back in 1979," remembers Malcolm. "Ford was moving out of rallying but it agreed to loan me one of its last works Escorts, FEB 1T. This was a fabulous car, which I used on the 1979 RAC. FEB 1T became my car and I became a semiofficial Ford driver. I'd also secured sponsorship from Total Oils. By this time, things had got to the point where I needed a company to handle the financial side of things, as well as help me with the running of the car. I set up Malcolm Wilson Motorsport Limited, which operated out of a building by my home near Cockermouth. The new business was really a mechanism to enable me to build and run my own car."
机译:马尔科姆回​​忆说,“当时是1979年。福特已经退出集会,但它同意借给我我最后的一部伴游作品2月2日。这是一辆很棒的汽车,我在1979年的RAC上使用过。 2月1T成了我的车,我成为了福特的半官方司机。我还获得了道达尔石油公司的赞助。到这个时候,事情已经到了我需要一家公司处理财务方面以及帮助我​​开车的程度。我成立了马尔科姆·威尔逊赛车有限公司,该公司是在我位于科克茅斯附近的家中的一幢大楼外经营的。新业务确实是使我能够制造和运行自己的汽车的机制。”



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