首页> 外文期刊>Pediatric Pulmonology >Effects of variable concentrations of inhaled nitric oxide and oxygen on the lungs of newborn piglets.

Effects of variable concentrations of inhaled nitric oxide and oxygen on the lungs of newborn piglets.


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We previously demonstrated that inhalation of high concentrations of nitric oxide (iNO) and oxygen for 48 hr causes significant lung injury in newborn piglets. To determine if these effects persist at lower concentrations, groups of newborn piglets were mechanically ventilated for 48 hr with (study 1) constant O(2) (90-100%) and decreasing iNO (100-2 ppm) or (study 2) constant iNO (50 ppm) and decreasing O(2) (95-30%). Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid was assayed for surfactant function, and markers of lung inflammation and physiologic parameters were monitored.Neutrophil chemotactic activity (NCA), % neutrophils, and total protein (TP) concentrations decreased significantly in BAL fluid of study 1 piglets as iNO was reduced and inhaled oxygen fraction remained constant, indicating less pulmonary injury at low iNO levels. Low-dose iNO (2 ppm) did not have antiinflammatory effects. However, surfactant function was minimally affected by lowering iNO, and was abnormal in all groups. In contrast, in study 2, pulmonary inflammation and injury were lower when O(2) was decreased to 70% or less, with iNO constant at 50 ppm. Surfactant function normalized and oxygenation improved in study 2 piglets when the inhaled oxygen fraction was decreased and iNO remained constant.These data suggest that iNO- and O(2)-induced lung injury may be minimized by weaning O(2) or iNO, although better physiologic function may be obtained when iNO concentrations are constant and O(2) is reduced. This has important implications in the clinical management of critically ill newborns treated with O(2) and iNO for pulmonary disorders. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2002; 34:58-65.
机译:我们先前证明,吸入高浓度的一氧化氮(iNO)和氧气48小时会引起新生仔猪严重的肺损伤。为了确定这些影响是否在较低浓度下持续存在,对新生仔猪组进行机械通气48小时,使(研究1)的O(2)恒定(90-100%),iNO降低(100-2 ppm)或(研究2)。恒定的iNO(50 ppm)和降低的O(2)(95-30%)。分析1头仔猪的BAL液中支气管肺泡灌洗液(BAL)的表面活性剂功能,监测肺部炎症和生理指标。中性粒细胞趋化活性(NCA),中性粒细胞百分比和总蛋白(TP)浓度显着降低iNO降低并且吸入的氧气分数保持恒定,表明在低iNO水平下较少的肺损伤。小剂量iNO(2 ppm)没有抗炎作用。然而,降低iNO对表面活性剂功能的影响很小,并且所有组均异常。相反,在研究2中,当O(2)降至70%或更低时,iNO恒定在50 ppm时,肺部炎症和损伤降低。当吸入的氧气分数降低且iNO保持恒定时,表面活性剂功能正常化并改善了氧合作用的2头仔猪。这些数据表明,断奶O(2)或iNO可​​以使iNO-和O(2)诱导的肺损伤最小化,尽管当iNO浓度恒定且O(2)降低时,可以获得更好的生理功能。这对用O(2)和iNO治疗的重症新生儿的肺部疾病的临床管理具有重要意义。小儿科薄荷油。 2002年; 34:58-65。



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