首页> 外文期刊>Pediatric Pulmonology >Therapeutic role of probiotics in asthma and allergic rhinitis

Therapeutic role of probiotics in asthma and allergic rhinitis


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We read with great interest the article by Chen et al. The authors have conducted a randomized clinical trial and found that, probiotic supplementation benefited school children suffering from allergic airway diseases (asthma and allergic rhinitis-AR) and this was associated with improvement in the immunological parameters. There are few points that need comment. Therapeutic role of probiotics in allergic airway diseases have been tested in few clinical trials. Though treatment with probiotics benefits subjects with either AR or both AR and asthma, no published trial to date has found beneficial effects of probiotics in subjects with asthma only. Giovannini et al. in a randomized clinical trial (pre-school children with mild to moderate persistent asthma and/or mild to severe persistent AR, receiving for 12 months either Lactobacillus casei or placebo) found that, the time free from episodes of asthma/rhinitis was longer, the cumulative number of asthma and rhinitis episodes was lower in the probiotic group. Neither any children with asthma benefited from probiotic use nor there were any significant changes in immunological parameters. Wheeler et al. in a crossover double-blinded design (two 1-month crossover phases), studied the effect of live active yogurt with or without Lactobacillus acidophilus in 15 adult patients with moderate asthma. Though there was increase in the interferon gamma and decreased eosinophilia; the authors were unable to detect changes in clinical parameters (mean daily peak flows or changes in spirometric values and quality of life scores) in asthma patients. In a systematic review, we found that, probiotic intake improved the quality of life score [standardized mean difference (SMD) -1.17 (95% CI -1.47 to -0.86; P < 0.00001)], and decreased the number of episodes per year in subjects with AR. There is increasing evidence for a close link between the upper and the lower airways and rhinitis having an important impact on asthma ("united airways" hypothesis). The result of any common inflammatory process can explain some of the complex interactions among rhinitis, sinusitis, bronchial hyperresponsiveness/asthma, and viral infections. Moreover, medical treatment of rhinitis benefiting subjects with asthma has recently provided further support for the hypothesis. So, though the authors in present study have found probiotics to be beneficial in treatment of subjects having concomitant asthma and AR, it is still unclear, whether probiotics have any role in treatment of subjects with asthma only. We hope that future trials will try to address this issue by separately studying the effects of probiotics in three groups of subjects (e.g., those with asthma, AR, asthma and AR).
机译:我们非常感兴趣地阅读了Chen等人的文章。作者进行了一项随机临床试验,发现补充益生菌有益于患有过敏性气道疾病(哮喘和过敏性鼻炎-AR)的学童,这与免疫学参数的改善有关。有几点需要评论。益生菌在过敏性气道疾病中的治疗作用已在少数临床试验中进行了测试。尽管用益生菌治疗可以使AR或AR和哮喘患者受益,但迄今为止尚未有公开的试验发现益生菌仅对哮喘患者有益。 Giovannini等。在一项随机临床试验(患有轻度至中度持续性哮喘和/或轻度至重度持续性AR的学龄前儿童接受干酪乳杆菌或安慰剂治疗12个月)中,无哮喘/鼻炎发作的时间更长,益生菌组哮喘和鼻炎发作的累积次数较低。哮喘患儿均未受益于益生菌的使用,免疫学参数也无明显变化。惠勒等。在交叉双盲设计(两个1个月的交叉阶段)中,研究了有或没有嗜酸乳杆菌的活泼活性酸奶对15名成年中度哮喘患者的影响。尽管干扰素γ增加,嗜酸性粒细胞减少;作者无法检测出哮喘患者的临床参数变化(平均每日峰值流量或肺活量测定值和生活质量得分的变化)。在系统的审查中,我们发现益生菌的摄入改善了生活质量得分[标准平均差异(SMD)-1.17(95%CI -1.47至-0.86; P <0.00001)],并且每年减少发作次数在患有AR的受试者中。越来越多的证据表明上下呼吸道之间的紧密联系以及鼻炎对哮喘有重要影响(“联合呼吸道”假说)。任何常见炎症过程的结果都可以解释鼻炎,鼻窦炎,支气管高反应性/哮喘和病毒感染之间的某些复杂相互作用。而且,最近使对鼻炎有益的哮喘患者的药物治疗为该假说提供了进一步的支持。因此,尽管本研究的作者发现益生菌对患有合并哮喘和AR的受试者有益,但仍不清楚益生菌是否仅在哮喘受试者中起作用。我们希望未来的试验将通过分别研究益生菌在三类受试者(例如哮喘,AR,哮喘和AR)中的作用来尝试解决这个问题。



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