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Lung disease in niemann-pick disease.


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BACKGROUND: Lung involvement in children with Niemann-Pick disease has rarely been studied systematically. OBJECTIVE: To assess the involvement of the lung and the value of bronchoalveolar lavage in children with Niemann-Pick diseases. DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of patient records. PATIENTS: Thirteen patients, with type A (n = 1), type B (n = 10), and type C (n = 2) Niemann-Pick disease, aged 2 months to 9 years at diagnosis, were included in the study. INTERVENTIONS: Lung involvement was assessed by clinical evaluation, chest radiograph, lung computed tomography (CT) scan, pulmonary function tests, and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid analysis. RESULTS: Respiratory symptoms were present at diagnosis in 10 patients and developed during follow up in the three other patients. All patients showed signs of interstitial lung disease on chest X-ray and lung CT scan. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid analysis (n = 7) revealed a marked accumulation of foamy macrophages (Niemann-Pick cells) in all patients. At follow up, one patient died of respiratory failure, five patients required long term oxygen therapy and seven other patients presented a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (n = 6) or chronic cough (n = 1). CONCLUSION: Lung disease was observed in all the patients included in the present study. Bronchoalveolar lavage may be useful in Niemann-Pick diseases by showing the presence of characteristic Niemann-Pick cells. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2007;42:1207-1214. (c) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
机译:背景:很少有人对尼曼-匹克病患儿的肺脏活动进行系统研究。目的:评估Niemann-Pick病患儿的肺部受累情况和支气管肺泡灌洗的价值。设计:回顾性分析患者病历。患者:13例A型(n = 1),B型(n = 10)和C型(n = 2)Niemann-Pick病患者,诊断年龄为2个月至9岁。干预措施:通过临床评估,胸部X线照片,肺部CT扫描,肺功能检查和支气管肺泡灌洗液分析评估肺部受累情况。结果:10例患者在诊断时出现呼吸道症状,其他3例患者在随访期间出现呼吸道症状。所有患者在胸部X射线和肺部CT扫描中均显示出间质性肺疾病的迹象。支气管肺泡灌洗液分析(n = 7)显示所有患者中泡沫性巨噬细胞(尼曼-皮克细胞)均明显聚集。随访时,一名患者死于呼吸衰竭,五名患者需要长期吸氧治疗,其他七名患者出现慢性阻塞性肺疾病(n = 6)或慢性咳嗽(n = 1)。结论:本研究纳入的所有患者均观察到肺部疾病。支气管肺泡灌洗可能通过显示特征性尼曼-皮克细胞的存在而在尼曼-皮克疾病中有用。小儿科薄荷油。 2007; 42:1207-1214。 (c)2007年Wiley-Liss,Inc.



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