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Development of a Quality of Life Instrument for Children With Advanced Cancer: the Pediatric Advanced Care Quality of Life Scale (PAC-QoL)


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Background. There is currently no published, validated measures available that comprehensively capture quality of life (QoL) symptoms for children with poor-prognosis malignancies. The pediatric advanced care-quality of life scale (PAC-QoL) has been developed to address this gap. The current paper describes the first two phases in the development of this measure. Procedures. The first two phases included: (1) construct and item generation, and (2) preliminary content validation. Domains of QoL relevant to this population were identified from the literature and items generated to capture each; items were then adapted to create versions sensitive to age/developmental differences. Two types of experts reviewed the draft PAC-QoL and rated items for relevance, understandability, and sensitivity of wording: bereaved parents (n = 8) and health care professionals (HCP; n = 7). Content validity was calculated using the index of content validity (CVI [Lynn. Nurs Res 1986; 35:382-385]). Results. One hundred and forty-one candidate items congruent with the domains identified as relevant to children with advanced malignancies were generated, and four report versions with a 5-choice response scale created. Parent mean scores for importance, understandability, and sensitivity of wording ranged from 4.29 (SD = 0.52) to 4.66 (SD = 0.50). The CVI ranged from 95% to 100%. These steps resulted in reductions of the PAC-QoL to 57-65 items, as well as a modification of the response scale to a 4-choice option with new anchors. Conclusions. The next phase of this study will be to conduct cognitive probing with the intended population to further modify and reduce candidate items prior to psychometric evaluation. (C) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
机译:背景。当前尚无已发布的经过验证的有效措施,可以全面捕获预后不良的儿童的生活质量(QoL)症状。儿科高级护理生活质量量表(PAC-QoL)已被开发来解决这一差距。本论文描述了该措施开发的前两个阶段。程序。前两个阶段包括:(1)构建和项目生成,以及(2)初步内容验证。从文献和生成的内容中识别与该人群有关的QoL域;然后对项目进行修改以创建对年龄/发展差异敏感的版本。两种类型的专家对PAC-QoL草案进行了评估,并对措辞的相关性,可理解性和敏感性进行了评分:丧亲的父母(n = 8)和医疗保健专业人员(HCP; n = 7)。使用内容有效性指标计算内容有效性(CVI [Lynn。Nurs Res 1986; 35:382-385])。结果。生成了与识别为与晚期恶性肿瘤患儿相关的领域的一百四十一个候选项目,并创建了具有五项选择量表的四个报告版本。家长对重要性,易懂性和措辞敏感性的平均评分范围为4.29(SD = 0.52)至4.66(SD = 0.50)。 CVI范围从95%到100%。这些步骤将PAC-QoL减少到57-65个项目,并且将响应范围修改为带有新锚点的4选择选项。结论。这项研究的下一阶段将是对预期的人群进行认知调查,以在进行心理测评之前进一步修改和减少候选项目。 (C)2014威利期刊公司



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