首页> 外文期刊>Pediatric neurology >Out-of-Pocket Costs for Childhood Stroke: The Impact of Chronic Illness on Parents' Pocketbooks

Out-of-Pocket Costs for Childhood Stroke: The Impact of Chronic Illness on Parents' Pocketbooks


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OBJECTIVE: Direct costs for children who had stroke are similar to those for adults. There is no information regarding the out-of-pocket costs families encounter. We described the out-of-pocket costs families encountered in the first year after a child's ischemic stroke. METHODS: Twenty-two subjects were prospectively recruited at four centers in the United States and Canada in 2008 and 2009 as part of the "Validation of the Pediatric NIH Stroke Scale" study; families' indirect costs were tracked for 1 year. Every 3 months, parents reported hours they did not work, nonreimbursed costs for medical visits or other health care, and mileage. They provided estimates of annual income. We calculated total out-of-pocket costs in US dollars and reported costs as a proportion of annual income. RESULTS: Total median out-of-pocket cost for the year after an ischemic stroke was $4354 (range, $0-$28,666; interquartile range, $1008-$8245). Out-of-pocket costs were greatest in the first 3 months after the incident stroke, with the largest proportion because of lost wages, followed by transportation, and nonreimbursed health care. For the entire year, median costs represented 6.8% (range, 0%-81.9%; interquartile range, 2.7%-17.2%) of annual income. CONCLUSIONS: Out-of-pocket expenses are significant after a child's ischemic stroke. The median costs are noteworthy provided that the median American household had cash savings of $3650 at the time of the study. These results with previous reports of direct costs provide a more complete view of the overall costs to families and society. Childhood stroke creates an under-recognized cost to society because of decreased parental productivity.
机译:目的:中风儿童的直接费用与成人相似。没有有关家庭所付自付费用的信息。我们描述了儿童缺血性中风后第一年的家庭自付费用。方法:作为“小儿NIH卒中量表验证”研究的一部分,在2008年和2009年分别在美国和加拿大的四个中心招募了22名受试者。家庭的间接成本追踪了一年。父母每隔3个月报告一次他们不工作的时间,就诊或其他医疗保健的未报销费用以及里程。他们提供了年收入的估计。我们以美元计算了自付费用的总费用,并将报告的费用作为年收入的一部分进行了报告。结果:缺血性中风后一年的总自付费用中位数为$ 4354(范围为$ 0- $ 28,666;四分位数范围为$ 1008- $ 8245)。在中风发生后的前三个月,自付费用最大,其中比例最大的原因是工资损失,交通运输和医疗保健无偿。全年,中位数成本占年收入的6.8%(范围为0%-81.9%;四分位数范围为2.7%-17.2%)。结论:儿童缺血性中风后的自付费用是巨大的。如果研究中值的美国家庭的现金中位数为3650美元,则中位数成本值得注意。这些结果以及以前的直接成本报告提供了对家庭和社会总成本的更完整视图。由于父母的生产力下降,童年中风给社会造成了人们公认的损失。



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