首页> 外文期刊>Pediatric nephrology: journal of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association >Transient type 1 pseudo-hypoaldosteronism: report on an eight-patient series and literature review.

Transient type 1 pseudo-hypoaldosteronism: report on an eight-patient series and literature review.


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Eight boys aged 2-12 weeks with urinary tract malformations (UTMs) exhibited features of transient type 1 pseudo-hypoaldosteronism (TPHA1) in the course of urinary tract infection (UTI). Hyponatremia (120.9+/-5.8 mmol/l), hyperkalemia (6.9+/-0.9 mmol/l), metabolic acidosis (plasma bicarbonate 11+/-1.4 mmol/l), and a rise in serum creatinine levels (145+/-101 micromol/l) were associated with high urinary sodium (Na) and low potassium (K) excretion. Tubular resistance to aldosterone was indicated by high plasma aldosterone concentrations (170.4+/-100.5 ng/dl), high levels of the plasma aldosterone to potassium ratio (25.2+/-15.6), and diminished urinary K/Na values (0.31+/-0.19). With appropriate therapy, serum electrolytes, creatinine, and acid-base balance normalized within 2 weeks. A Medline search revealed another 85 cases of TPHA1 reported to date. All of the 93 patients were less than 7 months of age and 90% were less than 3 months of age, 90.3% suffered from UTM, with associated UTI in 89% of them, 11% had UTMin the absence of UTI, and 9.7% showed isolated UTI. These findings indicate that early infancy is the main contributing factor for TPHA1 to occur and that UTI and UTMare additional factors, with at least one being required for its development.
机译:8名年龄在2-12周的尿路畸形(UTM)的男孩在尿路感染(UTI)过程中表现出短暂性1型假性醛固酮增多症(TPHA1)。低钠血症(120.9 +/- 5.8 mmol / l),高钾血症(6.9 +/- 0.9 mmol / l),代谢性酸中毒(血浆碳酸氢盐11 +/- 1.4 mmol / l)和血清肌酐水平升高(145 + / -101 micromol / l)与高尿钠(Na)和低钾(K)排泄有关。高血浆醛固酮浓度(170.4 +/- 100.5 ng / dl),高水平血浆醛固酮与钾之比(25.2 +/- 15.6)和尿K / Na值降低(0.31 + // -0.19)。通过适当的治疗,血清电解质,肌酐和酸碱平衡在2周内恢复正常。 Medline搜索显示,迄今为止已报告了另外85例TPHA1病例。这93名患者的年龄均小于7个月,其中90%的患者年龄小于3个月,其中90.3%的患者患有UTM,其中89%的患者伴有UTI,11%的患者没有UTMin,而9.7%的患者显示孤立的UTI。这些发现表明,婴儿早期是TPHA1发生的主要促成因素,而UTI和UTM是其他因素,其发展至少需要一个因素。



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