首页> 外文期刊>Palliative medicine >Factors associated with depressive distress among Taiwanese family caregivers of cancer patients at the end of life.

Factors associated with depressive distress among Taiwanese family caregivers of cancer patients at the end of life.


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Family caregivers in East Asian countries are known to have a strong sense of filial piety and a traditional caregiving ideology. They are generally presumed to be protected from psychological distress arising from caregiving. However, there is scant information regarding the impact of caregiving on Chinese/Taiwanese families. The purpose of this study was aimed at identifying those family caregivers of Taiwanese terminally ill cancer patients who are at risk of experiencing depressive distress from the following three categories of predisposing factors: 1) contextual factors; 2) stressors; and 3) appraisal of the caregiving situation.Of the 170 Taiwanese family caregivers of terminally ill cancer patients that participated in this survey, 129 (75.9%) were at an extraordinarily high risk of being distressed because of depressive symptoms (CES-D > 15). Results indicated that family caregivers were vulnerable to clinically depressive distress if they were the patient's spouse (adjusted odds ratio (AOR): 2.89; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.19-7.01), or evaluated caregiving as imposing a greater negative impact on their own health (AOR: 1.27; 95% CI: 1.09-1.47). In contrast, if family caregivers felt very confident in their knowledge of how to take care of the patient at home (AOR: 0.35; 95% CI: 0.15-0.81), or were sufficiently aware of the patient's thoughts and feelings about disease experiences and symptoms (AOR: 0.47; 95% CI: 0.25-0.88), they were less likely to suffer from depressive distress.These finding have significant clinical implications when they are put into the context of Confucian cultures which place great emphasis on filial piety and familism. Interventions and policy should be developed to target spousal caregivers to enhance their confidence in caregiving and understanding of the patient's disease experiences. This will reduce the negative caregiving impact on the caregiver's health, which in turn may prevent the development of depressive distress among family caregivers.
机译:众所周知,东亚国家的家庭护理人员对孝顺感很强,并具有传统的护理意识形态。通常假定他们受到保护,免受因护理引起的心理困扰。但是,关于照料对中国/台湾家庭的影响的信息很少。这项研究的目的是从以下三类易感因素中识别出可能遭受抑郁困扰的台湾绝症患者的家庭照顾者: 2)压力源; (3)对护理状况的评估在本次调查的170名台湾绝症患者家庭护理员中,有129名(75.9%)因抑郁症状而遭受困扰的风险极高(CES-D> 15 )。结果表明,如果家庭护理人员是患者的配偶,则他们很容易遭受临床上的抑郁困扰(调整比值比(AOR):2.89; 95%置信区间(CI):1.19-7.01),或者评估了护理人员对患者的负面影响更大自己的健康状况(AOR:1.27; 95%CI:1.09-1.47)。相比之下,如果家庭看护者对自己在家中如何照顾病人的知识感到非常自信(AOR:0.35; 95%CI:0.15-0.81),或者对病人的疾病经历和感受有足够的了解。症状(AOR:0.47; 95%CI:0.25-0.88),患抑郁症的可能性较小,这些发现在儒家文化背景下具有重要的临床意义,儒家文化非常重视孝道和家庭主义。应制定针对配偶照顾者的干预措施和政策,以增强他们对照顾和了解患者疾病经历的信心。这将减少护理人员对护理人员健康的负面影响,从而可以防止家庭护理人员中抑郁症的发生。



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