首页> 外文期刊>Paleoceanography >Export productivity and carbonate accumulation in the Pacific Basin at the transition from a greenhouse to icehouse climate (late Eocene to early Oligocene)

Export productivity and carbonate accumulation in the Pacific Basin at the transition from a greenhouse to icehouse climate (late Eocene to early Oligocene)


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The late Eocene through earliest Oligocene (40-32 Ma) spans a major transition from greenhouse to icehouse climate, with net cooling and expansion of Antarctic glaciation shortly after the Eocene/Oligocene (E/O) boundary. We investigated the response of the oceanic biosphere to these changes by reconstructing barite and CaCO_3 accumulation rates in sediments from the equatorial and North Pacific Ocean. These data allow us to evaluate temporal and geographical variability in export production and CaCO_3 preservation. Barite accumulation rates were on average higher in the warmer late Eocene than in the colder early Oligocene, but cool periods within the Eocene were characterized by peaks in both barite and CaCO_3 accumulation in the equatorial region. We infer that climatic changes not only affected deep ocean ventilation and chemistry, but also had profound effects on surface water characteristics influencing export productivity. The ratio of CaCO_3 to barite accumulation rates, representing the ratio of particulate inorganic C accumulation to C_(org) export, increased dramatically at the E/O boundary. This suggests that long-term drawdown of atmospheric CO_2 due to organic carbon deposition to the seafloor decreased, potentially offsetting decreasing pCO_2 levels and associated cooling. The relatively larger increase in CaCO_3 accumulation compared to export production at the E/O suggests that the permanent deepening of the calcite compensation depth (CCD) at that time stems primarily from changes in deep water chemistry and not from increased carbonate production.
机译:始新世晚期至最早的渐新世(40-32 Ma)经历了从温室到冰室的主要过渡,在始新世/渐新世(E / O)边界后不久,南极冰期发生了净冷却和扩张。我们通过重建赤道和北太平洋沉积物中的重晶石和CaCO_3积累速率,研究了海洋生物圈对这些变化的响应。这些数据使我们能够评估出口生产和CaCO_3保存的时间和地理变异性。在较新的较暖的晚始新世,重晶石的平均积累率要比在较冷的早始新世的重晶石的平均积累率高,但在始新世的较冷时期,赤道地区的重晶石和CaCO_3积累均达到峰值。我们推断,气候变化不仅影响深海通风和化学反应,而且对影响出口生产力的地表水特征产生深远影响。在E / O边界,CaCO_3与重晶石积累速率之比(代表无机碳的累积积累与C_(org)出口的比率)急剧增加。这表明由于有机碳沉积到海底而使大气中CO_2的长期下降减少了,这可能抵消了pCO_2含量下降和相关的冷却作用。与在E / O处的出口生产相比,CaCO_3积累的相对较大的增加表明,当时方解石补偿深度(CCD)的永久加深主要是由于深水化学的变化,而不是由于碳酸盐产量的增加。



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