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Student Lawyer to Work for Eritrea


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In May this year, a 21-year-old Japanese female student left for Eritrea to take part for one year in the work of compiling a new penal code for the African country. Kanae Doi, a junior at the University of Tokyo, was the youngest among the successful 2.88 percent pool of winners from a total of 25,454 applicants sitting for the 1996 state law examination. It was after passing the difficult examination in November last year that Doi learned about preparations by the African country for the streamlining of its legal system. Eritrea, a country with a population of 3.5 million, won independence from Ethiopia in May 1993 after a fierce civil war. The strife, followed by a drought, left its economy in a shambles, forcing the country to seek food aid from abroad. With the economy now being steadily reconstructed, the four-year-old country is today approaching another turning point.
机译:今年5月,一名21岁的日本女学生前往厄立特里亚参加为期一年的为非洲国家编写新刑法的工作。东京大学的大三学生金江井(Kanae Doi)在参加1996年州法律考试的总共25,454名申请人中,在成功的2.88%获奖者中是最年轻的。在去年11月通过艰难的审查后,多伊得知了非洲国家为简化其法律制度所做的准备。厄立特里亚这个有350万人口的国家,在一场激烈的内战之后,于1993年5月获得埃塞俄比亚的独立。这场冲突以及随后的干旱使其经济陷入混乱,迫使该国从国外寻求粮食援助。随着经济的稳定重建,这个已有4年历史的国家如今正迈向另一个转折点。



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