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Seafood - but at what cost?


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The opening of salmon season in May lifted off with the predictable stampede at grocers nationwide for Copper River kings. The prized fish were going for an unheard of 36 dollar a pound in Seattle after the first opener. "I can't justify stocking it at that price," one Seattle grocer, who asked to remain anonymous, said. "People won't buy it at that price, and it will just end up as pet food. I don't stock beluga caviar, either." Copper River fish weren't the only ones enjoying a surge in price riding a surge in demand. California fishermen marketing their own troll-caught Chinooks were getting better than 8 dollar a pound, and West Coast processors were paying more than 7 dollar a pound for those fish. My friend John Hurwitz, a Pacific Fishing columnist, told me his wife sold a 22.4 pound Chinook off the boat at Half Moon Bay for 183 dollar.
机译:五月份的鲑鱼季节开始,全国各地杂货店的可预见的踩踏事件为铜河国王们掀开了序幕。在第一个开罐器之后,珍贵的鱼在西雅图的售价为闻所未闻的每磅36美元。一位要求保持匿名的西雅图杂货商说:“我不能以这样的价格库存。” “人们不会以这个价格购买它,而最终只能作为宠物食品。我也没有白鲸鱼子酱。”在需求激增的情况下,铜河鱼并不是唯一价格上涨的鱼类。销售自己捕捞的巨嘴鸟的加利福尼亚渔民的价格已经超过了每磅8美元,而西海岸的加工商为这些鱼支付的价格超过了每磅7美元。我的朋友约翰·赫维兹(John Hurwitz)是太平洋钓鱼专栏作家,他告诉我他的妻子在半月湾的船上以183美元​​的价格卖出了22.4磅的奇努克人。



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