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At Intertape Polymer Group, High-Performance & Value Are Key

机译:在Intertape Polymer Group,高性能和高价值是关键

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It only makes sense for retailers who sell high-performance paints to carry high-performance painter's tapes as well. Intertape Polymer Group offers premium painter's tapes that truly live up to the term "high-performance." The tapes provide clean lines, prevent bleed-through and release cleanly from the painted surface to ensure that the final painting results meet or exceed the customers' expectations. And as good as the final painting results look on the wall, the profits from selling a high- quality painter's tape look equally nice in the retailer's cash register.
机译:这仅对销售高性能涂料并携带高性能画家胶带的零售商有意义。 Intertape Polymer Group提供了真正符合“高性能”一词的优质画家用胶带。胶带可提供干净的线条,防止渗出并从涂漆的表面上干净地释放,以确保最终的涂漆结果达到或超过客户的期望。就像最终的绘画效果在墙上一样,在零售商的收银机中出售高质量画家胶带所获得的利润也同样不错。



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