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External validation of IASP diagnostic criteria for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and proposed research diagnostic criteria. International Association for the Study of Pain.


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Recent work in our research consortium has raised internal validity concerns regarding the current IASP criteria for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), suggesting problems with inadequate sensitivity and specificity. The current study explored the external validity of these IASP criteria for CRPS. A standardized evaluation of signs and symptoms of CRPS was conducted by study physicians in 117 patients meeting IASP criteria for CRPS, and 43 patients experiencing neuropathic pain with established non-CRPS etiology (e.g. diabetic neuropathy, post-herpetic neuralgia). Multiple discriminant function analyses were used to test the ability of the IASP diagnostic criteria and decision rules, as well as proposed research modifications of these criteria, to discriminate between CRPS patients and those experiencing non-CRPS neuropathic pain. Current IASP criteria and decision rules (e.g. signs or symptoms of edema, or color changes or sweating changes satisfy criterion 3) discriminated significantly between groups (P < 0.001). However, although sensitivity was quite high (0.98), specificity was poor (0.36), and a positive diagnosis of CRPS was likely to be correct in as few as 40% of cases. Empirically-based research modifications to the criteria, which are more comprehensive and require presence of signs and symptoms, were also tested. These modified criteria were also able to discriminate significantly, between the CRPS and non-CRPS groups (P < 0.001). A decision rule, requiring at least two sign categories and four symptom categories to be positive optimized diagnostic efficiency, with a diagnosis of CRPS likely to be accurate in up to 84% of cases, and a diagnosis of non-CRPS neuropathic pain likely to be accurate in up to 88% of cases. These results indicate that the current IASP criteria for CRPS have inadequate specificity and are likely to lead to overdiagnosis. Proposed modifications to these criteria substantially improve their external validity and merit further evaluation.
机译:我们研究财团的最新工作引起了人们对当前IASP复杂区域疼痛综合征(CRPS)标准的内部有效性问题的关注,这表明敏感性和特异性不足。当前的研究探讨了这些IASP标准对CRPS的外部有效性。研究医师对符合IASP CRPS标准的117例患者和43例具有非CRPS病因的神经性疼痛(例如糖尿病性神经病,疱疹后神经痛)的患者进行了CRPS体征和症状的标准化评估。多种判别功能分析用于测试IASP诊断标准和决策规则的能力,以及对这些标准的拟议研究修改,以区分CRPS患者和非CRPS神经性疼痛患者。当前的IASP标准和决策规则(例如,水肿的体征或症状,颜色变化或出汗变化满足标准3)在各组之间有显着差异(P <0.001)。但是,尽管敏感性很高(0.98),但特异性很差(0.36),而且只有40%的病例对CRPS的阳性诊断可能是正确的。还对基于经验的对标准的研究修改进行了测试,这些修改更全面,并且需要出现体征和症状。这些修改过的标准还能够在CRPS组和非CRPS组之间进行明显区分(P <0.001)。一项决策规则,要求至少两个体征类别和四个症状类别为阳性,才能优化诊断效率,在多达84%的病例中,CRPS的诊断可能是准确的,而非CRPS神经性疼痛的诊断可能是在多达88%的情况下都是准确的。这些结果表明,当前针对CRPS的IASP标准的特异性不足,可能导致过度诊断。对这些标准的拟议修改大大改善了它们的外部有效性,值得进一步评估。



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