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Geospatial analysis of Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems pain management experience scores in U.S. hospitals


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Although prior work has investigated the interplay between demographic and intrasurvey correlations of Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) scores, these prior studies have not included geospatial analyses, or analyses that take into account location effects. Here, we report the results of a geospatial analysis (not equivalent to simple geographical analysis) of patient experience scores pertaining to pain. HCAHPS data collected in 2011 were examined to test the hypothesis that HCAHPS patient experience with pain management (PEPM) scores were geospatially distributed throughout the United States using Moran's Index, which measures the association between PEPM scores and hospital location. After limiting the dataset to hospitals in the continental United States with nonzero HCAHPS response rates, 3645 hospitals were included in the analyses. "Always" responses were geospatially clustered amongst the analyzed hospitals. Clustering was significant in all distances tested from 10 to 5000 km (P < 0.0001). We identified 6 demarcated groups of hospitals. Taken together, these results strongly suggest a regional geographic effect on PEPM scores. These results may carry policy implications for U.S. hospitals with regard to acute pain outcomes. Further analyses will be necessary to evaluate policy explanations and implications of the regional geographic differences in PEPM results.
机译:尽管先前的工作已经调查了医疗保健提供者和系统的医院消费者评估(HCAHPS)分数的人口统计和调查内相关之间的相互作用,但是这些先前的研究并未包括地理空间分析或考虑位置影响的分析。在此,我们报告与疼痛有关的患者体验得分的地理空间分析(不等同于简单的地理分析)结果。检查了2011年收集的HCAHPS数据,以检验以下假设:使用Moran's Index在美国全境地理分布了HCAHPS患者的疼痛管理(PEPM)评分,该评分衡量了PEPM评分与医院所在地之间的关联。将数据集限制在美国大陆的HCAHPS响应率非零的医院后,分析中包括了3645家医院。在分析的医院中,“始终”的响应在地理空间上是聚集的。在从10到5000 km的所有测试距离中,聚类都很明显(P <0.0001)。我们确定了6个标界的医院。两者合计,这些结果强烈暗示了对PEPM分数的区域地理影响。这些结果可能会对美国医院的急性疼痛结局产生政策影响。有必要进行进一步分析,以评估政策解释和PEPM结果中区域地理差异的影响。



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