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Iridaceae 'Out of Australasia'? Phylogeny, Biogeography, and Divergence Time Based on Plastid DNA Sequences.


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The current infrafamilial taxonomy of the Iridaceae recognizes four subfamilies; Isophysidoideae (1: 1); Nivenioideae (6: ca. 92), Iridoideae (29: 890), and Crocoideae (29: 1032). Phylogenetic analyses of sequences of five plastid DNA regions, rbcL, rps4, trnL-F, matK, and rps16, confirm most aspects of this classification and the evolutionary patterns that they imply, importantly the sisiter relationship of Isophysidoideae to the remainder of the family and the monophyly of Iridoideae. Subfamily Nivenioideae is, however, paraphyletic; Crocoideae is consistently found nested within it, sister to the core Nivenioideae, the woody Klattia, Nivenia, and Witsenia. This clade is sister to Aristea, which in turn is sister to the Madagascan Geosiris, and then to the Australasian Patersonia. We treat Aristea, Geosiris, and Patersonia as separate subfamilies, Aristeoideae and the new Geosiridaceae and Patersonioideae, rendering Nivenioideae and Crocoideae monophyletic. The alternative, uniting a widely circumscribed Nivenioideae and Crocoideae, seems undesirable because Nivenioideae have none of the numerous synapomorphies of Crocoideae, and that subfamily includes more than half the total species of Iridaceae. Main synapomorphies of Crocoideae are: pollen operculate; exine perforate; ovule campylotropous; root xylem vessels with simple perforations; rootstock a corm; inflorescence usually a spike; plants deciduous. Four more derived features of Crocoideae are shared only with core Nivenioideae: flowers long-lived; perianth tube well developed; flowers sessile; and septal nectaries present. The genera of the latter subfamily are evergreen shrubs, have monocot-type secondary growth, tangentially flattened seeds, and the inflorescence unit is a binate rhipidium. The latter feature unites core Nivenioideae with Aristea, Geosiris, and Patersonia, which have fugaceous flowers and, with few exceptions, a blue perianth. Molecular-based phylogenetic trees using sequences from five plastid DNA regions now show discrete generic clusters within Crocoideae and Iridoideae, the foundation for the tribal classification. The five tribe classification of Iridoideae, initially based on morphological characters and subsequently supported by a four plastid DNA region sequence analysis, continues to receive support using additional DNA sequences. Application of molecular clock techniques to our phylogeny indicates that the Iridaceae differentiated in the late Cretaceous and diverged from the next most closely related family, Doryanthaceae circa 82 mya, thus during the Campanian. The Tasmanian Isophysis is the only extant member of the clade sister to the remainder of the Iridaceae, from which it may have diverged 66 mya, in the Maastrichtian. The generic phylogeny shows the proximal clades of the family are all Australasian, which corroborates past hypotheses that the Iridaceae originated in Antarctica-Australasia, although its subsequent radiation occurred elsewhere, notably in southern Africa and temperate and highland South America at the end of the Eocene or later.
机译:当前鸢尾科的家族下分类学认为有四个亚科。异皮亚科(1:1); ven科(6:约92),鸢尾科(29:890)和鳄科(29:1032)。对五个质体DNA区域rbcL,rps4,trnL-F,matK和rps16的序列进行系统进化分析,证实了该分类的大多数方面以及它们所暗示的进化模式,重要的是,等轴线虫科与该家族其余成员和鸢尾科的一生。犬亚科是副生的。鳄鱼科一直被发现嵌套在其中,它是核心鸟笼科,木质科拉提亚,妮维尼亚和维森尼亚的姐妹。这个分支是Aristea的姐妹,而Aristea则是Madagascan Geosiris的姐妹,然后是Australasian Patersonia的姐妹。我们将Aristea,Geosiris和Patersonia视作单独的亚科,Aristeoideae和新的Geosiridaceae和Patersonioideae,从而使Nivenioideae和Crocoideae成为一类。备选方案是将广泛界定的烟草科和鳄科结合起来,这似乎是不可取的,因为烟草科没有鳄科的多种同形亚种,并且该亚科包括鸢尾科的总物种的一半以上。鳄科的主要同形异物是:花粉起作用;花粉起作用。外生穿孔胚珠原状;具简单穿孔的根木质部血管;砧木花序通常为穗状花序;落叶的植物。鳄科的另外四个衍生特征仅与核心鸢尾科共有:长寿的花;花被筒发达花无梗并存在中隔蜜腺。后一个亚科的属是常绿灌木,具有单子叶植物型次生生长,种子切向变平,而花序单位是二甲ate。后者的特征是将菊科的核心植物与阿里斯提,地西里斯和巴塔哥尼亚结合在一起,后者具有似花的花,并且除了蓝色花被外几乎没有例外。基于分子的系统树,使用来自五个质体DNA区域的序列,现在显示出在鳄科和鸢科中的离散类群,这是部落分类的基础。鸢尾科的五个部落分类最初基于形态特征,随后由四个质体DNA区域序列分析支持,继续使用其他DNA序列获得支持。分子钟技术在我们的系统发育中的应用表明,鸢尾科在白垩纪晚期分化,并从大约82 mya的下一个最密切相关的科Doryanthaceae分出,因此在Campanian时期有所不同。塔斯马尼亚等位面是进化枝姐妹中唯一现存的鸢尾科的成员,在马斯特里赫特,鸢尾科的其余部分可能已经分流了66个八哥。一般的系统发育表明,该科的近端进化枝全部是澳大利亚的,这证实了鸢尾科起源于南极-澳大利亚的假说,尽管其随后的辐射发生在其他地方,特别是在南部非洲以及始新世末期的温带和高地南美或更高版本。



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