首页> 外文期刊>Systematic Botany >Parallel Evolution of Endospory within Hornworts: Nothoceros renzagliensis (Dendrocerotaceae), sp nov.

Parallel Evolution of Endospory within Hornworts: Nothoceros renzagliensis (Dendrocerotaceae), sp nov.

机译:角藻内生孢子的平行进化:Nothoceros renzagliensis(Dendrocerotaceae),sp nov。

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The development of a gametophyte within the confines of the spore (i.e. endospory) is one essential innovation toward the evolution of seeds, but this feature also arose in seedless plants. In bryophytes, spores may begin to divide prior to dispersal and germination, but always develop into a free-living gametophyte. In hornworts, multicellular spores occur only in Dendroceros although they have also been observed in cultures of Phaeoceros carolintianus. Here, we describe a new species of Nothoceros, N. renzagliensis, from Pasto, Colombia, that differs from its congeners by its endosporic condition and Dendroceros-like spores. Gametophyte anatomy and sequence data from all cellular compartments place this species within the genus Notheceros and as the sister taxon to all Neotropical Nothoceros. We re-evaluate the evolution of endospory in hornworts and we show two cases of parallel evolution of this trait across the hornwort phylogeny. Endospory seems to be a highly homoplastic feature across all bryophytes with several independent origins in mosses and liverworts.
机译:在孢子(即内生孢子)范围内配子体的发育是种子进化的一项重要创新,但这种特征也出现在无籽植物中。在苔藓植物中,孢子可能在扩散和发芽之前开始分裂,但始终会发育成自由生活的配子植物。在角藻中,多细胞孢子仅在树毛藻中发生,尽管它们也已在卡罗非鱼(Phaeoceros carolintianus)的培养物中观察到。在这里,我们描述了来自哥伦比亚帕斯托的一种新物种Nothoceros,N. renzagliensis,其内胚层状况和Dendroceros样孢子与其同类动物有所不同。来自所有细胞区室的配子体解剖学和序列数据将该物种置于Notheceros属内,并作为所有Neotropical Nothoceros的姊妹分类群。我们重新评估了金缕梅内胚层的演变,并显示了两个性状在金缕梅系统发育中平行进化的两个案例。内生菌似乎是所有苔藓植物和苔类植物中具有多个独立起源的所有苔藓植物的高度同质性特征。



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