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'Hypnotic' prescription patterns in a large managed-care population.


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Background and purpose: Medical treatment of insomnia has declined over the past decade and, when treated, use of non-hypnotic medications has increased. This study assessed the characteristics of the prescriptions for insomnia and of the patients receiving those prescriptions. Patients and methods: The outpatient pharmacy database of the Henry Ford Hospital, Health Alliance Plan (HAP) was searched from 1/1/98 to 6/30/99 for mentions of the 10 most frequently used drugs for the treatment of insomnia listed in the National Disease and Therapeutic Index for 1987-1996. The 10 drugs were alprazolam, amitriptyline, clonazepam, doxepin, flurazepam, lorazepam, temazepam, trazodone, triazolam, and zolpidem. These were classified by their indication as antidepressant, anxiolytic, or hypnotic and the three indication groupings were compared on patient and prescription characteristics. Results: Over the 18 month period the total patient population covered by HAP was 287,456; 20,014 (7%) patients received one or more prescriptions for insomnia. Of these, anxiolytics were most frequently prescribed (55%), then antidepressants (25%), and hypnotics least frequently (20%). Patients receiving hypnotics were more likely to be male, older, and to receive a narrower dose range, in smaller quantities and with fewer refills than patients receiving anxiolytics or antidepressants. Conclusions: In this large managed-care population, hypnotics are prescribed conservatively, while the non-hypnotics, for which there is limited efficacy and safety data, are prescribed on a more chronic basis.
机译:背景与目的:失眠的医学治疗在过去十年中有所下降,并且在治疗后,非催眠药的使用有所增加。这项研究评估了失眠处方和接受这些处方的患者的特征。患者和方法:从健康联盟计划(HAP)的亨利·福特医院(HAP)的门诊药房数据库中,从1/1/98到6/30/99检索了提及的治疗失眠的10种最常用药物1987-1996年国家疾病和治疗指数。这10种药物是阿普唑仑,阿米替林,氯硝西am,多塞平,氟拉西m,劳拉西m,替马西m,曲唑酮,三唑仑和唑吡坦。这些药物按其适应症分为抗抑郁药,抗焦虑药或催眠药,并比较了三种适应症分组的患者和处方特征。结果:在18个月的时间内,HAP覆盖的总患者人数为287,456; 20,014(7%)患者接受了一种或多种失眠处方。其中,服用抗焦虑药的频率最高(55%),然后是抗抑郁药(25%),而催眠药的频率最低(20%)。与接受抗焦虑药或抗抑郁药的患者相比,接受催眠药的患者更可能是男性,年长的患者,并且接受更窄的剂量范围,更小的剂量和更小的补充剂量。结论:在这个庞大的管理型护理人群中,保守地开了催眠药,而疗效和安全性数据有限的非催眠药则是更长期的。



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