首页> 外文期刊>Systematic and Applied Acarology >Temporal and spatial differences in gall induction on Haloxylon by Aceria haloxylonis (Acari: Eriophyidae) in the Gurbantunggut Desert

Temporal and spatial differences in gall induction on Haloxylon by Aceria haloxylonis (Acari: Eriophyidae) in the Gurbantunggut Desert


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Flower-like galls have been observed on Haloxylon ammodendron and H. persicum in the Gurbantunggut Desert in northwest China. The galls were induced by Aceria haloxylonis, a new species of Eriophyidae. The galls began as small protuberances at the base of new stems and on small branches. As they matured, the galls changed color from green to dark brown. Some galls on H. persicum became red. At maturity, the galls and the infected branches became desiccated. Adult females of A. haloxylonis overwintered in galls or in branch crevices of H. ammodendron and H. persicum. There were more galls on H. ammodendron than on H. persicum. Several ecological factors influenced gall number, including terrain, tree size, branch direction and slope aspect. H. ammodendron trees in gravel desert had more galls than trees at sand dune edges. Trees in the interdune space had the fewest galls. Large H. ammodendron trees had significantly more galls than small trees. Branches on the south side of the tree had more galls than branches on the north, east, and west sides. Terrain * tree size had significant interaction on gall number on H. ammodendron. H. persicum trees on low sand dunes had more galls than trees on high sand dunes and trees on sunny slopes had more galls than trees on shady slopes. There were more galls on large H. persicum trees than on medium-sized trees. Few galls were observed on small H. persicum trees. The number of galls on H. persicum was significantly affected by terrain, tree size and slope aspect. The terrain * slope aspect interaction and tree size * terrain interaction were also significantly. This study is important for the conservation and recovery of the ecological environment in the Gurbantunggut Desert.
机译:在中国西北部的古尔班通古特沙漠中,在梭梭和梭梭上都观察到了花朵状的胆汁。 Ac虫是由新的鳞翅目科的梭状芽孢杆菌诱发的。 s虫从新茎的根部和小树枝上的小突起开始。随着它们的成熟,胆汁的颜色从绿色变为深棕色。波斯菊的一些胆汁变成红色。成熟时,胆汁和受感染的树枝变得干燥。梭状芽胞杆菌的成年女性在H. ammodendron和H. persicum的胆或分支缝中越冬。 H. ammodendron上的胆汁比Per.cum。上的胆汁多。影响胆量的几个生态因素包括地形,树木大小,分支方向和坡度。砾石沙漠中的H. ammodendron树比沙丘边缘的树有更多的胆汁。间间空间中的树木胆汁最少。大型双翅目树木的胆汁比小树木多得多。树南侧的树枝比北,东和西侧的树枝有更多的胆汁。地形*树的大小对双子叶gall的胆数有显着的影响。低沙丘上的H. persicum树的胆汁比高沙丘上的树的胆汁多,阳光充足的山坡上的树的胆汁比阴暗的山坡上的树的胆汁更多。大型绣球树上的胆汁比中型树上的胆汁更多。在小的H. persicum树上没有观察到胆汁。波斯菊的gall虫数量受地形,树木大小和坡度的影响很大。地形*坡度方面的相互作用和树木大小*地形的相互作用也很明显。这项研究对古尔班通古特沙漠的生态环境的保护和恢复具有重要意义。



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