首页> 外文期刊>Sleep & breathing =: Schlaf & Atmung >REM sleep-related brady-arrhythmia syndrome.

REM sleep-related brady-arrhythmia syndrome.


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Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep-related brady-arrhytmia syndrome is a cardiac rhythm disorder characterised by asystoles lasting several seconds during REM sleep in otherwise healthy individuals. In contrast to arrhythmias associated with obstructive sleep apnea, REM sleep-related sinus arrests and atrioventricular (AV) blocks are not associated with episodes of apnea or hypopnea. In literature, only few cases have been published, suggesting that the prevalence of this nighttime rhythm disorder is very rare. In this paper, we report two new cases of REM sleep-related sinus arrests and one case of REM sleep-related total AV block. To explore the underlying mechanism, an analysis of heart rate variability was performed. In a matched control population, we observed a significant lower low-to-high frequency (LF/HF) ratio in slow wave sleep as compared to REM sleep (2.04 +/- 1.2 vs 4.55 +/- 1.82, respectively [Mann-Whitney U test p < 0.01]), demonstrating a global increase in sympathetic activity during REM.When using the same technique in two of three patients with REM-related arrhythmias, the shift to an increased LF/HF ratio from slow wave sleep to REM sleep tended to be lower. This may reflect an increased vagal activity (HF component) during REM sleep in these subjects. We, therefore, hypothesise that, in our patients with REM sleep-related arrhythmias, the overall dominance of sympathetic activity during REM is present but to a lesser extent and temporarily switches into vagal dominance when the bursts of REMs occur. As it was still unclear whether these REM sleep-related asystoles needed to be paced, we compared our treatment and these of previously reported cases with the current American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines for implantation of cardiac pacemakers.
机译:快速眼动(REM)睡眠相关的心律失常性心律失常综合症是一种心律失常,其特征是在其他情况下健康的个体在REM睡眠过程中心脏停搏持续数秒。与阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停相关的心律失常相比,REM睡眠相关的窦性骤停和房室(AV)阻滞与呼吸暂停或呼吸不足发作无关。在文献中,只有极少数的病例被发表,这表明这种夜间节律障碍的患病率非常罕见。在本文中,我们报告了2例新的REM睡眠相关的窦性心律骤停和1例REM睡眠相关的总房室传导阻滞。为了探索潜在的机制,进行了心率变异性分析。在匹配的对照人群中,我们观察到与REM睡眠相比,慢波睡眠中的低高频(LF / HF)比率显着较低(分别为2.04 +/- 1.2和4.55 +/- 1.82 [Mann-Whitney U检验p <0.01]),表明REM期间的交感神经活动整体增加。当对REM相关心律失常的三分之二的患者使用同一技术时,从慢波睡眠向REM睡眠的LF / HF比值增加倾向于更低。这可能反映出这些受试者在REM睡眠期间迷走神经活动(HF成分)增加。因此,我们假设,在我们的REM睡眠相关心律失常患者中,REM期间交感神经活动的总体优势存在,但程度较小,当REM爆发时会暂时转变为迷走神经优势。由于尚不清楚是否需要对这些与REM睡眠有关的心搏进行调整,因此,我们将我们的治疗方法和先前报道的病例与当前美国心脏病学会/美国心脏协会的心脏起搏器植入指南进行了比较。



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