首页> 外文期刊>Sleep & breathing =: Schlaf & Atmung >Moving beyond empiric continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) trials for central sleep apnea: a multi-modality titration study.

Moving beyond empiric continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) trials for central sleep apnea: a multi-modality titration study.


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There is no universally accepted method to determine effective therapy for central sleep apnea (CSA). Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) applied acutely most often does not eliminate apneas and hypopneas. We hypothesized that the application of two or more therapeutic modalities after the diagnostic phase of polysomnography, a multi-modality titration study (MMTS), would identify a successful CSA treatment more often than a standard split-night study (SNS) and obviate the need for additional polysomnograms to determine a successful therapy. We retrospectively analyzed polysomnograms of patients diagnosed with CSA at our Sleep Disorders Center. We defined a therapy trial that resulted in an apnea-hypopnea index < 10 with at least one treatment modality as a therapeutic success. One hundred fifteen patients with CSA were studied. Sixty-six patients (57.4%) underwent a SNS, and 49 patients (42.6%) underwent a MMTS. SNS yielded only 8/66 (12.1%) successes on the first night, whereas a MMTS yielded 19/49 (38.8%) successes (p = 0.001, two-tailed Fishers exact). Patients who underwent a SNS eventually had similar rate of success as patients studied with MMTS (60.6 vs 63.3%, NS), but required more testing. Adaptive servo-ventilation was the most successful modality tested, yielding 36/46 (78.3%) successes. Trials of additional modalities following a failed trial of CPAP often produce a successful option that may guide therapy in patients with CSA. This approach may lead to establishing the diagnosis and treatment plans faster, while reducing unnecessary testing.
机译:目前尚没有普遍接受的方法来确定中枢性睡眠呼吸暂停(CSA)的有效疗法。急性持续气道正压通气(CPAP)最常不能消除呼吸暂停和呼吸不足。我们假设在多导睡眠图诊断阶段(多模式滴定研究(MMTS))之后,应用两种或更多种治疗方法将比标准的隔夜研究(SNS)更常确定成功的CSA治疗,并且不需要进行额外的多导睡眠图以确定成功的治疗方法。我们回顾了在睡眠障碍中心诊断为CSA的患者的多导睡眠图。我们定义了一项治疗试验,该试验导致呼吸暂停-呼吸不足指数<10,且至少有一种治疗方式作为治疗成功。研究了115名CSA患者。 66例患者(57.4%)接受了SNS,49例患者(42.6%)接受了MMTS。第一晚,SNS仅成功完成8/66(12.1%)成功,而MMTS成功完成19/49(38.8%)成功(p = 0.001,精确到两尾费舍尔)。接受SNS的患者最终的成功率与接受MMTS研究的患者相似(60.6 vs 63.3%,NS),但需要更多的测试。自适应伺服通气是最成功的测试形式,取得了36/46(78.3%)的成功率。在CPAP试验失败后进行其他方式的试验通常会产生成功的选择,可以指导CSA患者的治疗。这种方法可能导致更快地建立诊断和治疗计划,同时减少不必要的测试。



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