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The veteran population: one at high risk for sleep-disordered breathing.


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Sleep complaints are very common among the general population and are usually accompanied by significant medical, psychological and social disturbances (Redline S, Strohl K, Otolaryngol Clin North Am, 132:303, 1999). A higher prevalence of sleep complaints has been described in the elderly (Vgontzas AN, Kales A, Annu Rev Med, 50:387-400, 1999). It is manifested by breathing disturbances during sleep, loud snoring, difficulties maintaining sleep, fatigue, daytime sleepiness, mood effects and impairment of daily activities (Lugaresi E, Cirignotta F, Zucconi M et al., Good and poor sleepers: an epidemiological survey of the San Marino population, Raven, New York, pp 1-12, 1983; Kales A, Soldatos CR, Kales JD, Am Fam Physician, 22:101-108, 1980). It has been associated with cardiovascular, endocrine and neurocognitive manifestations. Growing interest in early diagnosis and treatment has been noted in recent years based on emerging knowledge about the potential health consequences when the disease goes untreated (Nanen AM, Dunagan DP, Fleisher A et al., Chest, 121:1741, 2002). The veteran population in the mainland has a higher tendency for obesity, high blood pressure (HBP), sleep disorders and chronic alcohol consumption (Mustafa M, Erokwu N, Ebose I, Strohl K, Sleep Breath, 9:57-63, 2005). The Hispanic veteran population has never been studied in detail for sleep disorders and related conditions. We used previously validated screening tools for sleep disturbance breathing. Two hundred and forty-five questionnaires were administered. We found a higher prevalence of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypopnea Syndrome (OSAHS) in our population compared with data from the mainland (USA). The mean age was 64 years (+/-11). Ninety seven per cent were males. The mean body mass index was 25 kg/cm(2); mean Epworth Sleepiness Scale score was 8. Thirty-four per cent met high-risk criteria for sleep apnea, 53% for insomnia, 13% for symptoms suggestive of narcolepsy and 13% for those suggestive of restless leg syndrome. There were high incidences of alcohol consumption (37.6%), diabetes (32.7%), hypercholesterolemia (31.8%), depression (31.8%), hypertension (39.6%) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (9.8%).
机译:睡眠障碍在普通人群中非常普遍,通常伴有严重的医学,心理和社会障碍(Redline S,Strohl K,Otolaryngol Clin North Am,132:303,1999)。在老年人中已经描述了较高的睡眠不适发生率(Vgontzas AN,Kales A,Annu Rev Med,50:387-400,1999)。它表现为睡眠期间呼吸障碍,打呼,难以维持睡眠,疲劳,白天嗜睡,情绪影响和日常活动受损(Lugaresi E,Cirignotta F,Zucconi M等人,``好和不好的睡眠者:流行病学调查'') San Marino人口,纽约Raven,第1-12页,1983年; Kales A,Soldatos CR,Kales JD,Am Fam Physician,22:101-108,1980)。它与心血管,内分泌和神经认知表现有关。近年来,基于有关疾病未经治疗时可能对健康造成的后果的新兴知识,人们注意到对早期诊断和治疗的兴趣日益增加(Nanen AM,Dunagan DP,Fleisher A等人,Chest,121:1741,2002)。大陆的退伍军人肥胖,高血压(HBP),睡眠障碍和长期饮酒的趋势更高(Mustafa M,Erokwu N,Ebose I,Strohl K,Sleep Breath,9:57-63,2005) 。从未对西班牙裔退伍军人的睡眠障碍和相关病症进行过详细研究。我们使用了先前经过验证的筛查工具来进行睡眠呼吸障碍。发放了225张问卷。与来自美国大陆的数据相比,我们发现阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合症(OSAHS)的患病率更高。平均年龄为64岁(+/- 11)。百分之九十七是男性。平均体重指数为25 kg / cm(2); Epworth嗜睡量表的平均得分为8。有34%的人符合睡眠呼吸暂停的高风险标准,失眠者为53%,暗示有发作性睡病的症状为13%,暗示不安腿综合征的为13%。酗酒(37.6%),糖尿病(32.7%),高胆固醇血症(31.8%),抑郁症(31.8%),高血压(39.6%)和创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)(9.8%)的发生率很高。



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