首页> 外文期刊>Sleep >Laboratory and field studies of naps and caffeine as practical countermeasures for sleep-wake problems associated with night work.

Laboratory and field studies of naps and caffeine as practical countermeasures for sleep-wake problems associated with night work.


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STUDY OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effects of napping, caffeine, and napping plus caffeine on performance and alertness in both laboratory and field settings. DESIGN: (1) Laboratory Study: parallel-groups design with random assignment to 1 of 4 experimental conditions. (2) Field Study: crossover design. SETTING: Sleep laboratory and field settings. PARTICIPANTS: (1) Laboratory Study: 68 healthy individuals; (2) Field Study: 53 shiftworkers who worked nights or rotating shifts. INTERVENTIONS: (1) Laboratory Study: an evening nap opportunity before the first 2 of 4 consecutive simulated night shifts plus placebo taken all 4 nights, caffeine taken nightly, the combination of the nap and caffeine conditions, or placebo. (2) Field Study: an evening nap on the first 2 of 4 consecutive night shifts plus caffeine taken nightly versus placebo taken nightly without naps. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: (1) Laboratory Study: Napping, caffeine, and their combination all improved alertness and performance as measured by Maintenance of Wakefulness Test and Psychomotor Vigilance Task, but the combination of napping and caffeine was best in improving alertness. (2) Field Study: Napping plus caffeine improved performance as measured by Psychomotor Vigilance Test and decreased subjective sleepiness in individuals working the night shift. CONCLUSIONS: Napping plus caffeine helps improve performance and alertness of night-shift workers.
机译:研究目的:评估午睡,咖啡因和午睡加咖啡因对实验室和田间环境下性能和机敏性的影响。设计:(1)实验室研究:平行分组设计,随机分配4种实验条件中的1种。 (2)现场研究:交叉设计。设置:睡眠实验室和野外设置。参加者:(1)实验室研究:68例健康个体; (2)现场研究:53名夜班或轮班的轮班工人。干预措施:(1)实验室研究:连续4个模拟夜班中的第2个开始前的一个晚上小睡机会,以及在所有4个晚上服用安慰剂,每晚服用咖啡因,结合午睡和咖啡因条件或服用安慰剂。 (2)现场研究:连续4个夜班中的前2个晚上睡午觉,加上每晚服用咖啡因与每晚不睡午觉服用安慰剂。测量和结果:(1)实验室研究:通过保持清醒测试和精神运动警惕任务,午睡,咖啡因及其组合均改善了警觉性和性能,但午睡和咖啡因的组合最能提高警觉性。 (2)现场研究:午睡加咖啡因改善了运动心理警觉测试的性能,并减少了夜班工作人员的主观嗜睡。结论:午睡加咖啡因有助于提高夜班工人的绩效和机敏性。



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