首页> 外文期刊>Systematic Parasitology >Ancipirhynchus afossalis n. g., n. sp (Trypanorhyncha: Otobothriidae), from two species of sharks off Indonesian and Malaysian Borneo

Ancipirhynchus afossalis n. g., n. sp (Trypanorhyncha: Otobothriidae), from two species of sharks off Indonesian and Malaysian Borneo

机译:无头草g。 sp(Trypanorhyncha:Otobothriidae),来自印度尼西亚和马来西亚婆罗洲的两种鲨鱼

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A new genus of trypanorhynch cestode is described from two species of sharks, the sliteye shark Loxodon macrorhinus Muller & Henle and the straight-tooth weasel shark Paragaleus tengi (Chen) collected in the Makassar Strait (off Indonesian Borneo) and Sulu Sea (off Malaysian Borneo). Ancipirhynchus afossalis n. g., n. sp. possesses two bothria and a heteroacanthous, heteromorphous tentacular armature with three distinctive files of hooks on the external tentacle surface but lacks prebulbar organs and gland cells within the tentacular bulbs. The hook arrangement of alternating files on the external surface of the tentacle resembles that seen in the superfamily Otobothrioidea Dollfus, 1942 in the genus Fossobothrium Beveridge & Campbell, 2005. However, the new species lacks the defining characteristic of this group, i.e. the paired bothrial pits. A Bayesian inference (BI) analysis of 37 LSU sequences of trypanorhynchs from three superfamilies provided evidence supporting the taxonomic placement of Ancipirhynchus afossalis n. g., n. sp. within the Otobothrioidea.
机译:从两种鲨鱼中发现了一种新的锥鼻背c属,一种是鲨鱼,一种是裂眼鲨,Loxodon macrorhinus Muller&Henle,另一种是直齿鼬鼬鲨Paragaleus tengi(陈),它们收集在望加锡海峡(印尼婆罗洲附近)和苏禄海(马来西亚人附近)。婆罗洲)。无头草g。 sp。拥有两个虫口和一个异棘突,异形触手骨架,在触手外表面上有三个独特的钩状钩,但在触手球体内缺少前球器官和腺体细胞。触手外表面交替锉的钩状排列类似于在1942年在Fossobothrium Beveridge和Campbell属的超家族Otobothrioidea Dollfus中观察到的情况。但是,新物种缺乏该类的明确特征,即成对的双体坑。贝叶斯推断(BI)分析来自三个超家族的锥虫的37个LSU序列,提供了证据支持无头按蚊的分类放置。 g。 sp。在Otobothrioidea内。



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